The College of Law faculty condemn violence against women

Chenze Chen | Staff Photographer
Letter to the Editor | Following a Syracuse University law professor being accused of attacking a woman at a casino, faculty members in the College of Law issued this statement.
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Approximately one month ago, we learned of troubling allegations against a member of the faculty of the Syracuse University College of Law. Today, the undersigned faculty write to condemn that alleged behavior in the strongest possible terms. There is no place for intimate partner violence or violence against women at the College of Law. Ever.
Especially as members of the legal academy and the legal profession, we have a duty to respect and uphold the law, and to model professionalism and adherence to ethical standards. Just as importantly, we have a profound obligation to our students to foster an environment in which all of our students feel completely safe and are treated with respect by faculty, staff and by one another.
Faculty have already begun work along these lines via a newly formed working group. Our incredible community of faculty, staff and students is capable of significant and innovative efforts that model the inclusive professionalism we expect of future lawyers. We believe the College of Law can emerge from this stronger. Accordingly, we look forward to partnering with the administrations of the College of Law and SU to build and maintain a safe and respectful environment for all of our colleagues and students, one that is free from violence, discrimination and harassment and one that sets the standard in legal education.
Liz August Laurie Hobart, Todd Berger, Paula Johnson, Peter Blanck, Arlene Kanter, Jenny Breen, Nina Kohn, Keith Bybee, Monica Todd Luna, Sanjay Chhablani, Kevin Maillard, Kelly, Curtis, Mary Helen McNeal, David Driesen, Suzette Melendez, Ian Gallacher (Emeritus), Aliza Milner, Shannon Gardner, KC O’Connor, Shubha Ghosh, Michael Schwartz, Lauryn Gouldin, Mary Szto, Andrew Greenberg, Daniel Traficonte, Margaret Harding, Cora True-Frost
Published on April 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm