Duck: Tyler Schiff
Asst. Digital Editor | Fall 2022; Asst. Sports Editor | Spring 2023; Sports Editor | Fall 2023

Nora Benko | Illustration Editor
Choosing sports journalism was a way for me to stay close to athletics. Dreams of becoming a collegiate athlete were dashed early in my senior year. So instead of playing, why not write about it?
The next step was to do what every aspiring, young writer does — apply to Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism. And when that culminated in a rejection, I ended up at Syracuse.
Year 1 was hard. I didn’t attend school in-person. The COVID-19 pandemic forced me to stay home in Tokyo, Japan. Taking every class online virtually from across the world turned me nocturnal. The time difference meant I woke up at 8 a.m. and went to sleep at noon.
Upon arriving on campus, one of the first things I did was join The Daily Orange. My first story was to profile the annual Syracuse University Charity Sports Auction. It was electric. The task wasn’t the most ground-breaking but I felt like a real reporter.
I was less thrilled when our now-Editor-In-Chief ripped it to shreds during the first round of edits.
But that’s what this publication has done for me. It’s helped me grow tremendously in this field. It’s given me opportunities to cover anywhere from Brooklyn, New York, to Santiago, Chile.
It’s connected me with outstanding industry professionals. It graciously granted my yearning to join a rich vein of talented, driven and hard-working individuals. It’s helped preserve a thrill within my life comparable to the emotions I felt running down courts and across fields.
And now, I’m a part of this esteemed family forever.
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Cooper Andrews: You’re going to be great, Coop. The consistent growth and jumps made in your writing has resulted in a number of spectacular A1’s for my budget, print night or not. From Day 1 you’ve jumped to take every read and post any writeup. You’ve devoted yourself to this paper and it’s just starting to pay off. We’ve gotten extremely close this semester and I can’t wait to see the work your staff produces in the spring. Bear down.
Zak Wolf: Zakary. You did save my budget. Many times. The sheer amount of content you’ve produced for the men’s soccer beat this season goes unrivaled. And so does the quality of it all. That young freshman who tweeted a picture of himself in front of 230 Euclid would be very proud.
Aiden Stepansky: Probably 10 times more efficient than I was as a digital assistant, you’re a grinder, Aiden. From great MAC pitches to pumping out at least one feature every week, Coop’s going to love, and need, your work ethic. I’m going to miss trips to Shaw, checking up on each other’s progress at the gym and making fun of whatever bizarre remarks we hear around the house. Red October was hell to get through, but yes, Bryson Stott’s home run and theme music was electric.
Justin Girshon: Here’s a true storyteller. From talking about your weekends to the love you hold for the Jets, everything cracked me up. You did your best in-house with the limited time you had and I hope you learned and enjoyed working on my staff. The talent has always been there, I’m just excited to see what you can do as an assistant. Don’t miss dig meeting too much. I’ll give Asian Palace a chance soon.
Timmy Wilcox: The amount you’ve grown as a writer this semester has been spectacular. Like everyone in sports this semester, your effort led to improvement and I know you’re going to excel in a dig role under Coop. And outside of the house, keep getting shots up at ungodly hours and construct a better argument on why the 6-4 Maryland Terrapins are “good.”
Kevin Lu: 谢谢兄弟. The whole house is going to miss your unexpectedly funny quips and infectious energy. To write as well and as often as you did in your second tongue is still miraculous to me. But you did it. Because you’re Kev. I’ll see you at Media Cup, American sniper.
Anish Vasudevan: You knew this was coming, but without you I wouldn’t know how to write a lede. My growth as a writer is because of you. My summer internship was because of you. My tenure in-house began with you, and you’ll remain as a huge influence on my last semester here. From relationship talk to basketball runs I can’t imagine my college years without you. So, we’ll have that beer one day. Probably after a 30-point blowout win come February.
Kyle Chouinard and Sophie Szydlik: Both uber-talented writers in your own respective sections, thank you both for the time and care you’ve put into sports this semester. Sorry for the late nights. We produced five print guides and some really great stories. Sophie, enjoy retirement, and Kyle, maybe I’ll give that weird sport on ice a chance. I just have trouble finding the ball.
Stefanie Mitchell: Hey twin. I honestly hope I see you again despite me ducking. I’m going to miss you. Can’t believe you’re coming back as DME but you’ll excel. Let me know if I can help by delivering poke or the nutritious combination of cucumbers, salt and pita bread. Talking with you in Op or the main seating area always took my mind off work no matter how busy the day. So thanks, Stef.
Bridget Overby: On my last day, you put together the most visually-pleasing guide ever. No overstatement. Just fact. Working with someone as talented as you was a pleasure. You and Coop are going to produce a fire lacrosse guide. But I’ll miss you too, Bridge. Thanks for always inviting me to stuff and attempting to get me out of my shell. I’m out of “sports jail” now so I’ll actually hang out now.
Sophia Lucina: Wish you joined the D.O. earlier or worked more than two days a week. I don’t know how or when we started to get along but we do. You’ve made me laugh a lot in the short amount of time I know you and go live it up in Rome. Not sure when I’ll see you next but I will. Love.
Kate Kelley: You’re awesome. Even before I learned about your Japanese ties, I always knew there was a reason why Anthony and Wyatt raved about their road trip to Purdue. It was because they were in a car with Kate Kelley. You’re the one non-insufferable Philly sports fan I know. Enjoy NYC.
Davis Hood and Mark Nash: The glue that holds this place together. And that’s an understatement. Thank you both for the multi-faceted talent you’ve brought to this place. Mark, I knew you were a genius since Intro to Islam. This Media Cup win will end semester seven on a great note. Davis, on top of creating six amazing digital guides for us, I have one more request: Can I have a banana?
Fall ‘23 Head Editors: No more late nights, guys. No more budget and no more selects. More free time and fun. Good work over the last 14 weeks. Fourteen. We did it. Go team.
Fall ‘23 Visuals: Lucia, Leah, Miranda, Maxine, Cassandra, Arlo and Cindy. Thanks for putting up with my poor planning and lack of communication this entire semester. But from graphics to photos to page display, your work consistently enhanced the quality of all our stories. I might have mentioned you were all talented on transition night. Bring back “Design Awards.” Ask Bridget if you don’t know.
Cole Bambini: Yes, I’ll update the tweets and I’ll get breaking news out as fast as possible. No, guide was not a sh*tshow and I’m not showing up to Lucy’s. Well, maybe a little now that I’m free. Your friendship this last year has gone unrivaled. Whether it was coverage or an international flight to Chile, almost all of my best moments at Syracuse involve you. They were because of you. Chick Fil-A over Bojangles, buddy.
Adam McCaffery: Man, you may just be the funniest guy I’ve ever met. Even after a 6:30 a.m. wakeup call to cover para cycling in the middle of nowhere, you still made me laugh every night in our makeshift triple. Chile brought us close and created amazing memories that’ll last a lifetime. I’m sure I’ll see you at Lucy’s whenever Cole inevitably drags me out there.
Henry O’Brien: Hank. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen watch three sporting events simultaneously. You’re also the first person I’ve fed a Chick-Fil A nugget too. I’m going to enjoy covering men’s basketball with you these next few months and the 11 hour drive to Louisville that comes with. Keep sending me tweets on how LeBron sucks. And I’ll keep defending my glorious king.
Connor Smith: I think there’s a consensus agreement that you’re the best writer on campus. Like Anish, you’ve taught and helped me improve so much over these last three semesters. We’ve conquered a lot together. Habib. Spokane. Marc and Intro to Nachos. You’re an amazing friend and an irreplaceable part of my college career as well. Now, let’s (just you) hunker down for this 6-hour drive to D.C. Then, we’ll conquer our Capstone with Tuohey before you land in a top-50 market. Yeah, you’re that good at all that you do.
Anthony Alandt: When it’s all said and done, Anthony, you’ll be a top-10 byline-getter in the history of the D.O.’s digital records. You are sports. How do you write so much? So quickly? And so well? I’m going to miss you and your porch when you leave for adulthood a semester too early, but I’m so glad we got close this semester as well. And just between us, you go get her.
Wyatt Miller: I mean the growth is insane. It speaks for itself. Your coverages were amazing, Next Day’s were polished and features were filled with detailed, unique anecdotes. You’re really good Wyatt. We worked our way up from tennis to women’s lacrosse and now we’re covering the beats we both dreamed of. Sky’s the limit. I hope I see you around.
Skyler Rivera, Andrew Crane and K.J. Edelman: I wish I got to know you guys all a little sooner. Skyler, you were my first Sports Editor. Crane, you were always willing to help and I still read your stories for inspiration. K.J., your never-ending drive to help and teach whoever’s next in line is why this sports section will remain elite for years to come. Thank you all for your time and advice.
Sophie Harper: Hey Soph, we got to know each other when I first started working in-house. You’ve always been patient and understanding about my workload. You’ve always shown unwavering support in my passion and our relationship. Thank you for being my best friend and someone I can tell everything to. I can’t wait until we’re living in the same city one day, chasing and thriving in our own respective industries. Here’s to more virtual date nights but also the end to long distance, one day. I love you.
Mom, Dad and Kaden: 妈妈你的支持和爱让我成为现在的我. 我为你有许多谢和仰望. 我真的很爱你. Dad, I couldn’t ask for a better parent. You’ve been there for me at every turn and supported any dream or task I took on. You’re a role model and hero for Kaden and I — a flawless example of the man I want to become. Kaden, I love you so much. Everything comes easy to you because you’re that talented. Finish strong at Richmond and please explore a career in fashion.
Published on December 7, 2023 at 9:13 pm
Contact Tyler: | @theTylerSchiff