Duck: Megan Thompson
Design Editor | Fall 2021, Spring 2022 ; Digital Design Director | Fall 2022

Emma Lee | Contributing Illustrator
I first discovered The Daily Orange my senior year of high school, as I began to explore what I could do with design in college. Finding out The DO was one of the top student newspapers led me to write about it in my application to Syracuse, and eventually apply to join after my freshman year here.
At first I didn’t even get a position. But in a stroke of luck (or misfortune, for my sleep schedule at least), I got the call that a spot was open to be a design editor in the fall of 2021. Thus started my journey working with some of the best people I’ve met in college and had the privilege to get to know. As said by Kyle Chouinard while introducing freshmen to the DO at the start of this year, all the work is completely student made. My experience at the Daily Orange has been so unique to any other work environment because of this, being surrounded by other students that are just as passionate about creating something great.
Richard Perrins: Our EIC, thank you for letting me and Morgan push design this semester. For a really stressful role, you’ve done a fantastic job managing. One more semester until you can catch up on sleep! Keep going!
Maggie Hicks: Management queen! Thank you for all of your support this semester, especially with making sure design felt included. As I’m ducking, I cannot imagine coming back after being done but I’m so glad you did! Can’t wait to see what you do after graduation, I know it’ll be incredible.
Siron Thomas: You legend. As our fearless digital leader, I cannot express enough how much this semester has meant to me. Thanks for being so kind and believing in my visions for digital this semester. Could not have done it without you. Glad we were able to start up the insta reels again! Careful with your glasses. As always, go digital! (good, thumbs up)
Emily Steinberger: Thank you so much for leading the paper last year! I’ll never forget when I thought you lived at the house my first couple weeks, it truly showed your dedication to everyone. I also loved when you brought pup food around every night.
Anthony Alandt: Tony! It’s been weird without you in house this semester, but you’ve definitely had a lasting impact on digital. Thanks for all of the support last year with design and education about Ohio.
Morgan Sample: Morgan! My best friend and design soulmate. Could not have wished for a better person to work with this semester in visuals. Your ability to manage the section and stay on top of everything thrown your way has been outstanding, and I’m forever grateful to have had this experience with you. I’m so proud of the work we’ve been able to produce together and can’t wait to graduate and see what you do, I know it’ll be amazing. Can’t believe we made it! Love for you always. <3
Maya Goosmann: My Daily Orange icon. I wouldn’t have had such a wonderful time at The DO without you and your infectious energy in house. I’ve missed you so much this semester, but know you’ve had a great time abroad! Can’t wait to see what you do with your tremendous talent. Thanks for believing in me. <3
Shannon Kirkpatrick: Starting at the DO was super chaotic as we had so much to learn, but I’ll always remember training at your beautiful apartment before the first night. Your calming presence last year made all the difference as you truly embodied your role as PD. Have missed you so much and send love all the way to Europe!
Danny Kahn: Alpha Danny! Have missed you this semester. Was so happy to have had the opportunity to work with you last year and learn from all of your incredible work. Have missed the late nights in visuals jamming with everyone! Hope you’ve had a great time abroad, and I’m excited to see where you take your design skill.
Stephanie Zaso: Stephanie, soon to be digital queen. From day one your expertise has shown, and I’m so thrilled to see where you take digital. Couldn’t imagine handing it off to anyone else! From your design skill to your capability as a leader, I know you’ll do fantastic. <3
Santiago Noblin: The first night working this semester, you were ready to redesign The DO logo. That showed immense confidence, I was so impressed. You’ll need that fearlessness as PD, but I know you’ll do an incredible job. So excited for you!
Emma Kelly: Emma <3. So happy you joined me and Morgan after seeing all of our sleepless nights last year because of The DO. Couldn’t have imagined the semester without you, your knack for design was a life saver so many times. Will miss you tremendously next semester, but can’t wait to finish it out next year! Love you girl.
Jacques Megnizin: Meme king! Was so happy to work with you this semester, you were always eager to learn and had a great attitude about everything thrown your way. I will miss the memes, though I’m not sure if I’m over the one about me yet.
Eva Morris: Loved your outfits this semester. 10/10 would swap closets with you. Thanks for teaching us some about Maine, too. Was so struck by your willingness to learn and work hard as a designer. Can’t wait to see what you do!
Meghan Hendricks: MegHan. My twin by name, almost. Loved getting to know you better this semester and see all of the hard work you did for the photo section while also balancing so many other commitments. Will miss you next semester but know you’ll do great once again! Come visit us in London.
Remi Jose: Our illustration idol! Thank you so much for joining us after the semester started, I’ve appreciated all of your hard work leading the team. It was so cool to see you take an idea for an illustration and create a concept around each piece. Talent right there. Your work is phenomenal and I know you’ll go on to do amazing things.
All other visuals: To everyone else, contributing or if I had the privilege of working with you at any point, know that I appreciated your work for the paper. It’s a lot to balance the DO with school and life, but the work is worth it. Woo visuals! Best section of the paper. <3
Kyle Chouinard: Our honorary design section member. For real. Can’t believe you almost did design in college, but ended up leading the hardest section at the paper and doing an outstanding job at it. Will miss the joke dropping you off at home, it will remain a classic
Alice Liu and Grace Katz: News digital crew! You guys did a great job this semester, thanks for being willing to pitch things and let me run with them. Good luck with everything you go on to do, it’ll be great!
Rainu George: Rainuuuu, loved working with you this semester. Can’t believe we never met last year, I’m still astounded that you’re a sophomore doing this immensely demanding job and absolutely killing it. Loved all of your dedication to bringing new voices to op this year, you’re going to do amazing things! Will miss the late night rides home. <3
Julia Kahen and Hamere Debebe: Thank you for all of your help this semester with opinion and digital! Loved the graphics you guys came up with and your hard work for op.
Rachel Raposas: Culture queen! Sincerely, you did a wonderful job this year. So excited for you as managing editor, you’re so caring and I know you’ll do great. I was always so impressed by your commitment to your section and your big heart for making sure everyone was always ok. Will miss you so much!
Shantel Guzman and Sophia Moore: Digital gals, thanks for all your help this semester, you guys did great. Culture pitches were always so fun! Love for you two.
Anish Vasudevan: Anish! Sports DJ icon. Great job leading the section I still know the least about! The guides are some of my favorite projects we worked on this semester. See you at the cage next year.
Henry O’Brien: Hank! Thanks for always being a positive presence in the house, and for your dedication to the paper and its people. It shows. Will miss you next semester but know you’ll do amazing as DME! Excited to see what you’ll do. Keep warm this winter with the hat.
Tyler Schiff and Spencer Goldstein: You guys win the best pitch drawings for sure. Loved being able to turn them into graphics, wouldn’t have done the work without you.
Everyone else:
Davis Hood: Thanks for always checking on visuals even when we didn’t need anything this semester! It didn’t go unnoticed. Good luck with the rest of your college career!
The DO: As someone that can’t write, I’m always amazed by the work everyone does to get the stories out, it’s been terrific. Thanks for everything. Can’t wait to see the spectacular work everyone will do, and where the paper will go. You got it!
Published on December 8, 2022 at 8:00 am