The Daily Orange apologizes for hateful column

Emily Steinberger | Editor-in-Chief
We apologize for publishing a piece that hurt and disrespected others.
Dear readers,
Last night, The Daily Orange published a column about Syracuse University being inundated with sexualized activity and inappropriateness. This was a mistake to publish, and we realized that too late.
We apologize for publishing a piece that hurt and disrespected others. The Opinion section should be a space to have conversations and discussions, not to invite hateful discourse.
We realize our mistake in publishing this, and we know there is no way to correct this wrong. We have decided to keep the column up so that we do not shy away from our mistakes, as doing so would be an additional injustice to our readers and our community.
We apologize to our readers for failing to hold this column to the same standards as our other content. We will strengthen our vetting process for columns to ensure this doesn’t occur in the future.
If you would like to talk about this issue further, please reach out to
Emily Steinberger, editor-in-chief 2021-22
Published on March 31, 2022 at 2:15 pm