Syverud agrees to Jewish students’ demands

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Syverud announced his agreement in a campus-wide email Thursday.
Chancellor Kent Syverud agreed to meet demands presented by Jewish students at Syracuse University on Thursday.
The students presented a list of six demands, and Syverud agreed to all of them. The chancellor also announced early Thursday morning that he agreed to demands from international students and #NotAgain SU, a movement led by black students.
Demands from Jewish students included a safety assessment of buildings owned by SU and better communication between the Department of Public Safety and the university community.
As part of the safety assessment, students demanded that by spring 2020 all cameras at SU are working, with a clear image and effective field of view. They also demanded that the university work with individual groups to understand their “unique safety concerns.” To increase DPS’ communication, they called for two open forums each semester and a student advisory committee to DPS made up of various student group representatives.
There is currently a Student of Color Advisory Committee that offers about safety and policing on campus to DPS.
Students also demanded that SU revise its functions regarding religious observance. SU should make the process of identifying religious observances more user friendly for students by fall 2020, including adjusting the time frame in which students can submit their religious observance absence form.
“Students should not be pressured to choose between observing sacred holidays and going to class or participating in group projects,” the demands read.
One demand called on the university to recognize Judaism as an identity, including implementing anti-Semitism training, and revising SEM 100, a first-year forum on diversity and inclusion.
“Curriculum for SEM 100 needs to be updated to understand that Judaism, for many, is both a cultural identity, ethnic identity and religion,” the demands read.
Students in the demands called for a Marginalized Identity Student Leadership Coalition that will meet twice a month — once with itself and once with university leadership, including Syverud. They also included asking monthly reports on bias on campus.
Syverud announced he would be meeting with Jewish students early Thursday morning. The announcement came hours after #NotAgainSU protesters demanded the chancellor meet their demands or resign at a community forum held Wednesday night in Hendricks Chapel.
Out of the 19 demands presented by #NotAgainSU and international students, Syverud agreed to 16 as written. He suggested revisions to three that require approval from SU’s Board of Trustees or involve law enforcement compliance.
Published on November 21, 2019 at 5:33 pm
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