Duck: Michael McCleary

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
LMAO, what? This feels like a dream, and I’m still convinced it is. Four semesters working for the best student newspaper in the country has helped me grow more than I could fathom beforehand. I have a lot of people to thank, so let’s get to it.
KJ: Here it is, kid. It’s all yours now. The responsibility. The late nights. And, most importantly, the chair. I’ve seen you grow an unbelievable amount over the course of these two semesters. Your writing has become crisp, your smile is infectious and your personality takes control of every room you set foot in. More than the work in the office, I long for the rides home and the Kubal trips where we could just sit and talk. I’m really excited to hand you the keys. You’ve got this.
Nick: KENNY’S ROOM — I didn’t know the kid playing video games in the backwards Yankees cap would become my best friend. I remember I couldn’t make it the time you visited The D.O. for the first time. You walked out with the Volleyball beat, and for weeks I didn’t even have a story. I was jealous. I’m not going to hide that fact now. When I finally got on a beat, you were the one I would always chase. Every improvement I made, every story I wish I could have done better was with you in mind. But as we grew closer, it became apparent that pettiness was stupid. You love writing more than anyone I know, and the way you think about stories is unmatched. Our post-men’s soccer game chats are among my favorite things in college, and I can’t wait to do that more. You make me better every day just from being around you. If I ever need someone to geek out with, you’ll always be my first call.
Josh: You stole my idea for this last semester, but it’s really weird how two people so different can be so similar. While you sat in the front of Sunday sports meetings and dominated the room, I sat in the back, stayed quiet and buried myself in my backwards snapback Syracuse cap (I thought I was cool for wearing that, too). But, man, you get it. Through our mutual love of writing, we bonded. We realized the way we think through things, even outside of journalism, matched up really well. I’m really glad we’ve become friends, I trust your opinion more than almost anyone I’ve met at The D.O. Oh, and I don’t care that you called me a “clown.” It just made me want to prove you wrong.
Dabbundo: One of my favorite D.O. moments was at Battle your freshman year. We both sat on the back of the couch and just chatted. You were bummed that you didn’t get the copy editor position, and I just told you to stay patient. I’ve always believed in you, and I would go as far to say I was a fan of yours from the start. I knew it would happen eventually — you’re too sharp, too talented, too cool a kid. I just wish you can see the smile on my face as I called you before this semester. You deserve this, and every future opportunity you get. Just keep working hard.
Graham: I’m glad we finally got to be on a beat together. You’ve been one of my closer friends at The D.O. for a couple years now. I’ve learned a lot from the way you approach conversations and I can’t wait to kick back at 741 some more.
Billy: Your work ethic is inspiring, man. We came in at the same time, but I always looked up to the way you worked. You treated this job with more care than a lot of people, and I’m more driven for having known you. You’ll go far, I know it.
Liberman: I admire your ability to do so much. You’re a great writer and I learned a lot about just going in on a story by watching you over the years.
Charlie: You’re one of a kind, Charlie. I’ve always respected you and found you hilarious. Let’s grab a drink, you know, when I’m old enough.
EB and D-Schneid: I’m glad to have met you two. You’re both so much cooler than I am. Eric, I’ll always remember the nights in Washington Arms. And David, your presence at D.O. parties is always a treat. Save some of the good qualities for the rest of us, will you?
Kaci: As my first beat partner, you saw me at my most naive. I’m glad we shared a lot of this journey together.
Crane and Aro: You guys have a lot of potential, and this place will give you a ton of chances to grow. Take those chances. Anything I can ever help with, please reach out.
Hillman: One of the things I’ve been most impressed with is how far along you’ve come this year. I really think being in-house will help you find your place.
Danny: One of my favorite reads of the semester was the doc read we did on your meatball story. You’ve shown you have the ability to hit when you need to. Embrace that, and use it to your advantage.
4TR: You’re going to hate this: I idolized you. Ever since I met you, you were so intimidating. I wanted to learn from you, but I was too afraid to ask. You saw me at my worst — a time when not even I was sure if I’d make it. But I then took on something bigger than myself, and you were there every step of the way. When I wanted to take on the next challenge, you were there too. Do you know what it’s like to get that type of attention from someone that you idolize? I wanted to be the f*cking best. I still do. Thanks for making me believe I can.
Tomer: Worst part of this semester? Hands down, not getting to see you at Palooza. You were one of the first people who showed me that The D.O. is supposed to be fun, that these people are supposed to be my friends. I needed that more than you know. You inspired me by the way you light up the room, and I did everything to mimic your personality. Let’s hit Turning Stone sometime soon. Then maybe a Yankees World Series game?
Mettus and Libonati: The Schwed, Mettus, Libonati trio was elite. Thanks for helping me get going here. I couldn’t imagine a better group of mentors to start my D.O. career with.
Mackenzie: Your level-headed approach to things is incredibly refreshing. Some of my funniest experiences this semester involve you, keep bringing light into every room. Hey, by the way, what’s your GMail?
Lydia: We got really close last semester, and I never understood why you were so nice to me. You’re complex and intimidatingly smart. Thanks for being my support group when I was feeling down. À bientôt.
Leffert: How convenient that I was in a Starbucks weeks before the Spring semester started last year? I ended up meeting one of my closest D.O. friends that day. You’re just about the only person who doesn’t give me the side eye when I say I want to branch outside of sportswriting, even if you did at first. Thanks for being supportive and giving me someone to talk to on long bus rides up to Syracuse.
Bridget, Molly and Dan: I know I’m annoying, but I swear the reason I was on the visuals couch so often was because I think you guys are fun and cool. Thanks for not killing me.
Talia: Sorry the best friend thing didn’t work out. You’re going to be a great PD.
Diaz and Torrens: Thank you for being the first management team to give me a chance.
Aishwarya: You’re so unbelievably cool. I’m really happy we got along so well even with the infamous history of Sports Editor-Managing Editor relations. You’re insanely smart and super fun. Go show New York what you’re made of.
Sam OG: Yo. I respect the hell out of you. We’ve spent a lot of time together this semester, and while I don’t think you can grow close with anyone, I’d like to say we did. You’re so strange — but in an incredibly cool, incredibly smart, “how the f*ck does he do this stuff?” kind of way. I don’t think I’ll ever understand you, but, man, I sure as hell want to learn from you.
Guti: You may not remember this, but a month into my first semester, I was sitting outside, naive and cocky, wondering why The D.O. hadn’t blessed my talented mind with a story (naive might have been an understatement). You saw me, introduced yourself and got me one. Thanks for being there when I needed you.
Schwed: How else can I say this: Thank you for being the gateway to the best decision I’ve ever made. You’ll always be an important figure in my life because you set my course for to lifelong dream. Gosh, I owe you everything for that.
Casey: We only knew each other sparingly earlier this semester, but spending a day reporting with you showed me how intuitive you are. You’re a funny person with an eye for a good story and you don’t take anyone’s bullsh*t. I respect that.
Kennedy: I don’t think I ever truly relayed to you how grateful I am for all you did on the Boeheim crash coverage. I learned a lot from that experience, and I appreciate you helping me along the way. You’re a great reporter and one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. By the way, the sink’s on. You mind getting that?
Maeve: How do you balance on the basketball like that? If I’m being honest, I thought this would be the easiest one. Yes, I did know your name all along, even if we didn’t talk at first. I regret that. I used to have more regrets: the decisions I made that I thought held me back at The D.O., the one constant for me since I came to college. But how can I regret being here now? Actually, I consider myself pretty lucky. Thanks for making me realize dwelling on the bad just fails to account for any future good.
Spring 17: None of you probably know what I do, but I’m done with it now. See you around.
Mom and Dad: Thanks for being my biggest supporters, even when it didn’t seem the best thing for me. If there’s one reason I keep going, it’s to make you both proud. I love you guys.
Published on April 29, 2019 at 4:57 am
Contact Michael: | @MikeJMcCleary