Write the perfect rec letter with help from our Humor columnist

Sarah Allam | Head Illustrator
I’ve had to write a ton of letters of recommendation recently. A bunch of people want me to vouch for them for different positions and jobs. But I don’t know who is taking my word about anything… I mean, I wouldn’t trust my judge of character. I stay friends with people even when I hate them.
While writing these letters, I realized that most are the same thing every time, and they all sound something like this:
Dear (insert hiring person),
I write to you today on behalf of (person who roped you into writing this) for the (name of position) position. As a (pretend you can relate to the job), I know the requirements to be a quality (name of position) and (fancier name for the position, like, representative of the community).
From the moment I met (person who roped you into this) during our time together at (where you met the person), I have had nothing but positive experiences with (person’s name). I know from our first interaction that (person’s name) was a positive addition to our (place you know them from). I know you will feel the same the instant you meet (person’s name), because of their enthusiastic, hard-working and go-getting personality.
I remember one time when (Insert good anecdote here. You can do something about them being nice, helping someone out or failing and then succeeding. If you’re not sure what to put, ask the person you’re writing this letter for to write an anecdote that makes them look good. They’ll figure it out).
(Person’s name) has been an active member of (how you know them) and is very well-liked. Each day I would be won over by (person’s name)’s infectious attitude. (Person’s name) challenges themself and others to be better. I grew to count on (person’s name) to provide thoughtful insight and meaningful dialogue into all our interactions.
(Person’s name) has shown great interest in (company/position) and fits the qualifications perfectly. (Person’s name) exemplifies the best candidate you are looking for. When I think of an individual I would want representing (position/company), I look no further than (full name). (Person’s name) will go the extra mile and accomplish more than you could ever expect, and this position will be a perfect opportunity to show off (person’s name)’s talents.
I appreciate your time and wish you the best of luck in your decisions. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.
(Your name)
Josh Feinblatt is a junior television, radio, film major. He will appreciate any letter of recommendations you could write for him, even if he’s not applying anywhere. You can send them to jfeinbla@syr.edu or contact him on Twitter @joshfeinblatt.
Published on February 21, 2018 at 12:06 am