Duck: Lauren Murphy

Micah Benson | Art Director
My time at The Daily Orange has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride. I’ve never put my blood, sweat and tears into something until I started working here. The amount of times I’ve thought to myself, “I’m going to quit, I’m really going to quit this time,” and go back to being a normal student is countless. But I kept coming back every day ready to do it all over again. It’s because this experience is invaluable. It’s because the staff here has more passion for what they do than any other workplace I’ve ever been in. It’s because all that I’ve learned and achieved could never have happened in the classroom.
Mom, dad, roommates and friends: Thank you for pushing me, and thank you for listening to me or staying on the phone when all I did was cry or complain. You are my backbone.
Chase: From being an assistant with me to taking the reigns of photo editor, I’ve seen you grow in enormous strides. In the short amount of time you had to prepare for being photo editor, you improved immensely and took it on head first. I have the utmost respect for you. Your work ethic and quotable charm has made my last semester at The D.O. an enjoyable one. Proud of you, keep fighting the good fight.
Sam: From day one as a staff photographer I was completely wowed by your work. There was no doubt that when you dropped your first shoot off at the house and hung around forever that I knew you were going to one day sit in the photo chairs. Stick with it; you’re going to go far.
Ankur: I hope you know you’re part of the reason I stayed on for another semester. I absolutely do not know how you do it all and keep a positive attitude with the rest of us crazy people. Your talent and commitment to the paper is undeniable. Sharing an office with you made the long nights shorter and oftentimes a lot of fun. Keep pushing for the visual side, counting on you!
Mark and Laurence: Thank you for being exactly what management needs to be. We’ve worked hard and still had a great time while doing so. Thank you for being there when photo really needed you and for pushing for a better visual paper.
Meghin: No one tousles my hair like you do. Being serious, the paper has benefitted so much from all that you have contributed. I have so much respect for you and everything you have done here. You may have a loud voice, but it is one you should never lose. Also, can we cry together at Race?
Kat Kim: That night you pulled me aside and asked if I was coming back another semester when in my mind I was 100 percent sure I was not, is the night that changed my mind. I don’t think you realize what you did, but thank you.
Becca: You were like a mom to me when I started working in photo. I swear everyone’s mood lifted whenever you were around.
Stacie and Kristen: I held down the fort, guys! Oh, the times we had without a head editor. Thank you for sticking around and pulling through till the end.
Katie McInerney: Thank you for coming in time and time again to save photo when it was going under.
Brandon, Mitch, Andrew and Ryan: Ah, yes. The four who quit. Despite what many may say I applaud you all for taking on the challenge of photo editor and trying it out; it’s not f***ing easy! Photo lab crew, you know I love you guys. Brandon, I thank you for encouraging me to work here. Mitch, it was a good two weeks or so. Andrew, in my eyes, you were the best photo editor the house has seen. Each of you is extremely talented and I can’t wait to see where you go.
Marwa: Your ability to stay composed when times are trying as news editor is incredible. It’s been wonderful working with you. I also want your closet.
ALLEN ALLEN ALLEN: You are quite literally the most interesting man in the world. It’s been weird, but great to have you in the house.
Lizzie and Beth: You are both very talented designers. Looking forward to see where your work takes you.
Sports office: Thank you for compromising with photo when it was needed. Seriously, it was super civil compared to how it has been in the past and I’ve loved working with you all.
Allie: You are an awesome addition to The D.O. staff. I can’t wait to see what you do as video editor.
Colleen, Erik and Chelsea: You’ve been through a lot and have managed to pull off some awesome feature content throughout the semester. I wish you all the very best.
Current and future staff: Your job at this paper will be exhausting, emotionally draining and you might even suffer from getting a really bad grade in some of the easiest classes on campus (case in point, myself in oceanography; I know, how right?), but it will be worthwhile. You’re going to one day have that moment when you say to yourself, “This is it, this is why it is all worth it.” I know I have. Good luck, push forward and do not give up.