Duck: Cassie Roshu

Flynn Ledoux | Illustration Editor
I wrote my first article for The D.O. the second week of freshman year. Admiring the warmth of string lights hung in the Culture section and observing the jokeful dynamic between Sophie and Rachel as they edited my piece was my first taste at what it meant to become a part of The D.O. family.
At a recent staff party, watching everybody have fun with each other brought me back to beautiful memories with every other version of the staff I’ve worked with, and I realized that even as people come and go, a consistent feeling of unconditional belonging remains. At each semester’s end, I walk out of the house all teary-eyed knowing I won’t ever experience The D.O. again as it was for that period. After two years working in-house, I can’t believe I did that for the last time a few days ago.
Heading into college, it wasn’t easy to make friends but it was so easy to pour everything I had into working at this paper. Because of The D.O., I’ve built relationships with some of the most incredible people I know. I am also forever in debt to this place for teaching me how to have faith in myself even when it was so hard to do so.
I’m not entirely sure what’s next for me. But what I do know is The D.O. has become a permanent part of who I am and it always will be. Life is incredibly and, sometimes, unfairly, impermanent. I don’t think I could ever find all the words to explain what The D.O. means to me but I’m thankful to this duck for freezing a part of that impermanence. There are so many people to thank, so let’s get into it.
Stephanie: People call you their “fearless leader” and I don’t think there’s a better way to describe you. The energy you pour into the paper and people here is absolutely unwavering and you are a prime example of handling every situation, edit and surprise with empathy and grace. You’re so confident in yourself and your co-workers, and it makes the workplace all the more a positive atmosphere. Thank you for always being happy to help when I felt like I was drowning and when I needed to learn that I was never supposed to do it on my own.
Cooper: You’re always so chill and it amazes me. Even when you’re frustrated, you get frustrated in a chill way. Working through mistakes or difficulties while keeping the vibes up is one of your greatest strengths and makes you all the more an important, respected and positive force at the paper. Every mistake I made felt less deep when I talked to you about it and I thank you for that.
Aiden: I’ve already told you this but you are a wonderful presence to be around, you make the people around you happy and you are great at being level headed under pressure. I’m hyped to see what Stoopden does. Or Aicoopanie or whatever you guys decide to call yourselves!
Sophie and Stef: As somebody who had only edited photos and not words, I really didn’t think DME was something I could do well. You guys were foundational in making that doubt lighter. Thank you for caring enough to keep me in check this semester and helping out when there were mistakes. I couldn’t have done it without your support.
Hank: During our few times bumping into each other this semester, your positivity and support were just what I needed to keep going with energy and motivation. Thank you.
Madeline, Zaara, Genae, Mia, Jordan, Matt, Paulina, James: I can think about each one of you individually and recall the passion and joy you brought to the job. Thank you for being wonderful people and co-workers. Laughing with you made my job so much more enjoyable and I’m really happy to call you friends.
Anish and Kyle: You guys were both such grounding and supportive leaders, I actually don’t think I can describe how much I admired you and cared about your opinion. When you ducked I felt like the staff lost its parents. Seriously. Thank you for being you and for continuing to care.
Meghan: Thank you so much for believing in me. Thank you for hiring and teaching me through my first year at The D.O. Thank you for offering me last-minute rides when I really needed it. You show your unconditional support through action unlike mostly everybody I know. Just, thank you.
Maxine: Feels like it’s been ages since we’ve worked together! Photo editor was rewarding and also so tolling, and I’m grateful to have done it by your side. I love what we accomplished together and also keeping up with your incredible photo projects on Instagram. You are truly talented.
Lars: You’ve been such a valuable asset to The D.O. since the very moment you started taking photos for us. I think we have a lot in common despite our different walks of life and goals as photographers, and both the differences and similarities make time spent with you a great joy. I don’t want to know life without being friends with you! I cherish our friendship, the conversations we’ve had and the support we offer each other greatly.
Joe: I literally can’t believe how dedicated you are to The D.O. You’re incredible and so motivated in your journey as a photographer and our friendship is one I really, truly value. You are SO kind and humble, unlike the majority of people I’ve met.
Fall 2024 News section: I think the majority of laughs I’ve laughed this semester have happened whenever I’d sit in the News section. You guys are individually amazing but together create such a silly dynamic, while also being an absolute powerhouse. Julia, you should be proud of the great environment you created this semester. P.S. Henry, you will be able to do the worm with just a little more practice and then you can teach the rest of the section to do it and you guys will be even more awesome.
Spring 2024 News section: You guys were also truly fabulous. Kendall, I had a lot of fun on the couple of coverages we did together and really enjoyed the lunches and Goldstein coffee date we went on after them. Those memories will go down in the books as some of my favorite D.O. reporting memories. Dom, the first time I met you I think you dropped out of a conversation with me and Meghan out of nowhere to go hunt down a source for your article. I thought, “wow, that is one interesting fella.” After that, I had the pleasure of getting to know you as one of the most incredible journalists and universally-loved people I’ve ever met. I also had so many laughs in this room during the spring semester and thank you all for that.
2023 and 2024 Culture sections: Wow, I love you guys. Culture these last two semesters felt like such a safe space for me; I could go there and immediately feel at ease. Even when I was only working and not speaking, listening to your banter comforted me. Savannah, your Insta stories and great style make me so happy. Ben and Nate, you are both out of pocket and I love it so much.
Kelly: You’re the closest thing I have to a sister. I haven’t been the most available friend to you this semester, and yet, you’ve been there for me in every single moment when I needed to text you and talk through my emotions. Every single time I tore myself down, you reminded me of why I shouldn’t and did so with unconditional love. You’re the best thing The D.O. and Syracuse has brought into my life.
Rose: You’re the reason I was so motivated to join The D.O. when I did. That started one of the best journeys I’ve been on and I can’t thank you enough for it. Also, you majorly killed it with Culture this semester and I won’t be surprised when I see you doing big things. Just make sure to remember me. #CHERUBS4EVER
Olivia: When you said you wanted to be friends sophomore year it kind of scared me. I think the idea of working toward a deep relationship with somebody new made me really anxious. Letting it happen anyway is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m amazed by how supported and loved you make me feel, and I love that we push each other intellectually. I love you and I love your family and I’m excited for what Chile and living together senior year will bring us.
Cole: Our friendship brought me the drop-to-the-floor laughter I really needed this semester. I don’t know anybody else who I can dab to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, scream Pitbull lyrics or just shoot the shit with as much as I’ve enjoyed doing it with you. I smile and feel warmness as soon as I see you, and I thank you so much for that.
Lucía: I’ve always been in awe of how multi-talented and genuinely passionate about the people at the paper you are. I’ve never actually said it but I don’t think The D.O. would be what it is without you.
Rachel: You’re by far the most talented writer I know. I am one of your biggest fans and have been since the first time I read one of your articles. The thing I remember most about your era in-house is how much time you spent laying on the floor and I love you for that.
Bridget: You’re just simply the most queen that has ever queened. Thank you for supplying me a bed last fall semester when I really needed it, hosting FIRE D.O. parties, starting the “ceiling of scribs” and just being one of the most genuine people I know.
Anthony B.: It’s been a hot minute since we’ve spoken but you hyped me up a lot freshman year and remembering your support continues to help me thrive today.
Davis: All I’m gonna say is you haven’t asked me if I want a banana in quite awhile… but other than that you’ve been consistently there for me and the rest of the editorial staff in a way I really admire and I can’t imagine having worked with a better IT guy.
Mom, Dad and David: Mom, I used to be embarrassed by the way you’d post us on social media but I’ve grown to really appreciate it. Dad, you’re the first person I call with good news about my career. Thank you for making it so clear that even if I have yet to meet my own expectations for myself, I’ve already made you proud. Every single article I send you two goes up on Facebook and it makes me all the more grateful for parents as supportive as you. David, you’ve always been a rock for me, even through the weeks we barely talk. Just knowing you’re there has meant more than you realize. Out of the very short list of things I genuinely couldn’t live without, you’re on it.
Adriana: Through you, I’ve learned so much about what it looks like to embrace every part of who I am without shame, and that shamelessly romanticizing life makes it all the more worthwhile. I love your quirks, bold fashion and love for perfume. You remind me a lot of my extended family and I love you for it.
Rorie and Rainey: You guys were wonderful roomies this semester. Coming home to our space beautifully decorated for the holiday, hearing you laugh with each other and smelling your fancy recipes cooking made our space feel warm.
With all the love I have in my heart, thank you Daily Orange family.