Duck: Bridget Overby

Flynn Ledoux | Illustration Editor
I actually don’t know how to do this. But they said I had to. So here I present my attempt to sum up ~with words~ what my time at The Daily Orange has meant to me.
Disclaimer: If you know me you know I talked to everyone at this paper, if you’re not on this list forgive me. I promise I didn’t forget, I love you all so so much and I only get 1500 words. The past year was our paper. Thank you guys. It is impossible to emphasize how much each of you mean to me and how proud I am to have done such important work by your side. You always have me in your corner, at your disposal, I owe you all too much.
Stephanie Zaso: Thank you, I hate you, I love you, and everything in between. You are the reason for all of this. I joined the D.O. to help out a friend when she said she needed designers, and we both knew on that facetime call in the car I had no idea the year and a half I was signing up for. You will always be someone I admire, not only as a designer, but as a friend. You have an extraordinary talent, and while I’ll never forgive you for leaving me alone, knowing it was you who trusted me was what got me through. I hope you didn’t cringe too much flipping through the paper this year. You’ll be sad to know the state of my aux deteriorated drastically the longer I spent in that house. You were right, I did burn myself out, but I came back stronger. I don’t know if you remember, but the first thing I said to you after my first print night was, “That was horrible, but I’m going to get really good at that.” I don’t think I’m there yet but because of you I’m a hell of a lot farther than I used to be. I can’t wait to take over Livingston next year, both in retirement. And Zaza, I better get a thank you at your wedding, but I’ll leave it at that. I love you.
Lucía Santoro-Vélez: My angel sent directly from heaven above. When you spawned after week one I let out a breath of relief because I realized The D.O. would be okay. I knew the day I met you I would be handing this down to you. Who else would willingly come meet me at 9 a.m. on a Saturday her freshman year instead of going to a football game? I knew instantly I could trust you not just with anything for work, but anything. It is my greatest pleasure to pass this paper on to you. I walked (more accurately we could say stumbled, crawled, etc.) and bitch you better run.
Anish Vasudevan: Thank you. And I am so. sorry. I’ve said it about a thousand times this year, but I really couldn’t have done this alongside anyone else. Thank you for caring about visuals. Thank you for putting up with me. We did it, Anish. The D.O. is so back it’s not even funny. You were the one who made me care about The D.O., because you did. Watching you lead this staff the past year has been one of the greatest pleasures I’ve ever had. I hope you look back on our papers as a tangible figure of everything we learned, every tear, laugh, late night (early morning), and I hope you know, truly, how grateful I am that at the end of the night, it was always you and me. And it had to be us. Saving print journalism. Sorry for every time I spelled your name wrong. Sorry for always shouting. Or if I wasn’t shouting I was probably sleeping when you needed me to not be. You’ve taught me so much, and I could never say with words how much I not only respect you as a coworker, but as a person. Thank you for teaching me how to be a journalist. You’re going to do amazing things in this world, you already have, and I can only hope one day I’ll be this close to you while you do it. Maybe one day we’ll be back in San Francisco together? Who knows, but I love you. Thank you. After 38 Good mornings, Goodnight The Daily Orange.
Kyle Chouinard: Kyaaaaalllll. Bruh. Thank god for you. What a pleasure and an honor to make this paper by your side all year. Truly. I said it a lot, but working under a management staff that genuinely cared so much about visuals and design not only made my life easier every day, but kept me going when I didn’t want to, and always made me happier to go to work. I could never begin to thank you for everything you have done for me. We really are exactly the same in so many ways. Thank you for being an excellent boss, but also a shoulder to cry on when I needed it. And that was a lot. You’re an excellent journalist, and I learned so much from you. I hope you get a lot of sleep this next year, here’s to no more “naps’ on that damn couch. Long live the redacted document graphics. I will always be so grateful that everynight it ended up being you, me, and Anish, you guys really did keep me sane. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, and for putting up with all the chaos. Even though sometimes you are a fun-hater, I love you and I will miss your weird videos at ungodly hours of the night more than you know.
Miranda Fournier: My mini me. I adore you girl. You are a trooper. Through every lost file, damaged package, failure to export, you stuck by me and I cannot thank you enough. I could never do what you do, I was amazed all year by your ability to manage so many different things. You may be quiet, but don’t let anyone ever tell you that is a weakness. Stay sneaky funny. Keep trying new things, regardless if they’re crazy or out there because your ability to throw out new concept after new concept will take you far. Every time I pushed you, you delivered. Keep going. Your comms work is already stunning, and I am so excited to see what you create with your newfound free time. I promise now that I have some too, I look at anything you send me anytime. Also, you’re fucking cool dude. In my opinion, way cooler than I’ll ever be. And you know I don’t say things just to say them, I mean that. It doesn’t matter what you wear or what you say, that’s not what makes someone cool. You’re cool because you give a fuck. You have a level head and a work ethic that will take you as far as you want to go, and I can’t wait to see it. I hope I taught you at least a few things, I’m sorry for the late nights, I love you.
Cole Ross: Another angel sent from heaven, and sent out of nowhere. I couldn’t be more at peace knowing this department is in your hands. Your willingness to be a team player and still maintain a positive attitude through some very frustrating situations was nothing short of a godsend and I can’t wait to see what you all do the next year. I threw you into the deep end and you handled it with such grace. I am always here for you, thank you.
Fernanda Kligerman: Girllllllllll don’t even. I know you may not have worked every week, but your cameos in the visuals room will always be a highlight of my time in-house. You’re extremely talented, and I hope retirement treats you so well. You have earned it! Thank you for your beautiful work and positive energy the past year, trust me I know it wasn’t always easy. I can’t wait to finally come see an acapella performance!
Leah Cohn: Leah, my girl. You’re amazing. You probably got the most shit from me out of everyone but you handled it with grace every night. And know I was always just teasing you. I think you’re the coolest. You are so strong, and I couldn’t be happier to know you’re coming back for another semester. Make Lucia’s life easier when you can, and know I’m always across the street. This world is fucked up but it is better with you and I can’t wait to see the amazing things you do, wherever that is. Love you always girl.
Nora Benko: You stepped up when we asked you to and I couldn’t be prouder of you for your work the past year. You stuck by me through all the chaos, and I could never truly express my appreciation for that. You, Fe, and Miranda amazed me every week with your ability to handle so much, and not only handle but excel under so much pressure. Thank you, a million times.
Cindy Zhang: I should also be thanking Roman here, for introducing us over the summer. You let me rope you into this crazy world and I know coming from Whitman, it was probably a lot. Thank you for being my favorite hater, and keeping everyone in check when I was too tired to. You were such a rock for me the past year and I hope you know how much I appreciate and respect you as a designer, but also as a friend.
Maxine Brackbill: I will never forgive us for wasting so much time! You’re just the best. And so talented, more than I could ever say. It was a pleasure to work so closely with you the past year, thank you for putting up with all my weird requests, and if anyone has seen me at my worst here it was you. Thank you for your dedication to the art, to the craft, and for being a fellow film-enthusiast. I can’t wait to see what you do this next year, and always know you have a friend in your corner wherever you go.
Cassie Roshu: Casssss my girl. I am so proud of you. You always say you look up to me but honestly know I am always amazed by your dedication and natural drive to exceed, it kept me going many times this year. I couldn’t thank you enough for your work, your patience, and your willingness to remain optimistic when I know at times it must have been very hard. I am so excited for your reign as DME, and please know if you ever need anything you can always call me. You are a real one Cassie, you stick to your gut and I hope you never lose that. Keep it up, I know you’re going to go so far in everything you do.
Stefanie Mitchell: I still can’t believe we convinced you to be DME this semester, but god I just can’t say how happy I am that we did. From the moment we met, we clicked, and I honestly just feel so lucky to not just have worked with you but have met you. I think we can both agree we probably wouldn’t have crossed paths elsewhere, but now you’re stuck with me. You have a maturity and a level head that is well beyond your years, and I can’t wait to see where it takes you. But for now let’s rest, the past year was really hard at times but having you there made it easier every time. Keep the vibes up, now that we’re neighbors (and unemployed), let’s hang.
Tyler Schiff: Your absence this semester was felt. I can’t speak highly enough of how much I respect you as a writer, a person, and as a friend. You have a uniquely positive and magnetic energy, and genuinely I think you are such a light in every room you enter. You’re also a beautiful writer, Schiff, and whether you stick with journalism or not, I have no doubt you’ll succeed in anything else you do next. If you ever have time to hang out, you know I’ll always be down. Also, you know I’ll be waiting for that apology every year on November 7th.
Olivia Fried: You just kill me. I adore you Fried, and you remind me of myself in so many ways. Stay curious, stay eager, and trust yourself. Thank you for your dedication to this paper and for your unwavering faith in the future of humanity. You give me hope for that future. It was a pleasure and an honor to design your section every week.
Kaia Wirth: You’re like if someone’s little sibling went and set off a thing of fireworks in the backyard behind everyone’s back, but in the best way possible. You kept me on my toes, but always laughing for sure. I am so excited to see you kill it as Opinion Editor, please ask me for help when you need it. This job isn’t easy, but you’ll not only be a better writer and editor at the end of it, but a better person. You ended up here for a reason, and when you need to be reminded of that, I will always be there to tell you. Keep up the shenanigans, this work can be dreary at times and having a positive attitude will be what gets you through.
Kendall Luther: My comfort human, for real. Thank you for the endless giggles, and snacks. I couldn’t feel more lucky to have done this semester with you. You are an excellent editor, and I had so much fun watching you lead your staff. Enjoy your time off now, let’s hang PLEASE, and seriously know I respect you and look up to you in more ways than I could say.
Stephanie Wright and Cooper Andrews: The Stoop Era is going to be revolutionary and iconic and I am extremely lucky to be passing the torch to you two. This paper is special, and knowing the legacy will continue under such strong leadership is the greatest gift we could ask for.
SPORTS!!!!: Thank you for being the most hype section other than visuals. Thank you for putting up with my random and at times probably overly-aggressive demands for guides, I would have nothing to design if it weren’t for all of your hard work so really, thank you guys.
Aiden Stepansky and Justin Girshon: Enjoy your shirts, sorry if you hate them. Thanks for writing great stories this year and putting up with me storming your room with various accessories and bad jokes.
Zak Wolf: You’re gonna be a great Sports Editor. Remember to stay humble, lean on the people who did this before you, and start thinking about those guides now!
Nick Jepson: I knew the first time I met you that you were gonna excel here. Thank you for the constant laughs and good vibes.
Connor Smith: You were the only person in the house I’ve ever been scared of, but trust, not anymore. You’re an amazing writer and I hope we all get to have a little fun while we still can, remember you haven’t graduated yet!
Santiago Noblin: Don’t you ever say I even remotely began to fill your shoes. Your papers were stunning Santi, and knowing now the work that goes into it all I honestly do not know how you managed so well. It was so daunting to take over after you left, but you were always there behind me. I hope you picked up the paper and at least a few times felt proud. And for every other time I flopped I’m so sorry. God this job is wild, and I hope retirement has treated you well. You’ll be sad to know the new designers didn’t really pick up the design awards, but I think we can both agree that no one could ever do it like Yesmine. Thank you for everything, I assure you the vibes did not die in visuals, and I hope our paths continue to cross in the future.
Arlo Stone: Thanks for always coming through at the last minute Arlo. You’re effortlessly talented and I can’t wait to see what you end up creating in the years to come.
Meghan Hendricks: Thank you for the constant support. It means a lot to always have someone so talented and dedicated in my corner, and know I always will be rooting for you. Thank you for your help always, and I hope you get a little bit of rest after graduation.
Joe Zhao: Joe!!! What a wonderful human being you are. I am so happy we got the chance to meet and work together, I think you are incredibly talented, and driven, and getting to know you the past year has been so special. I cannot wait to continue watching you leave your mark in everything you do, never let up. And I wish you the best of luck with grad school!
Lars Jendruschewitz: You have a work ethic unlike anyone I’ve ever seen and I cannot wait to see where it leads the visuals department. Remember to keep a level head, and try to not be so focused on making the process efficient that it lacks humanity, and that the news can always flip on a dime. It’s all a part of the game. With that said, your ability to problem solve quickly and work well under pressure will have a remarkable impact on the visual production of this paper. Godspeed, you’re gonna do great.
Flynn Ledoux: What a crime we didn’t get more time in-person! I am so stoked for you to be taking over for Nora, I have been obsessed with your work since you started and I think you’re gonna not only excel but the paper is going to benefit extremely. Don’t be scared to go and work in-house, and if you ever need anything please let me know.
NEWS!!!!!: I really loved sharing a room with you all. Sorry for probably causing a ton of chaos at serious times or for eating all your snacks all the time. Kendall and Stephanie you both did so much for the culture of this newsroom and as an outsider watching all year I can say with full certainty that the environment you two fostered was not only supportive but one that makes me proud to have worked alongside you guys. I could go on, but there are far too many people and far too many things to say.
Roxanne Boychuk: You’re a real one. I will always think about JNL with you, you’re hilarious and I think you’re gonna be a great reporter, you already are.
Claire Samstag and Sammy Olander: In an ideal world every word of this would be dedicated to you both. And while unfortunately I cannot make that happen, I will thank you both for not only for your constant hard work, but for your positive attitudes and willingness to be a part of the team. Watching you two come out of your shells this year, in your respective ways and roles, has been so much fun, and I respect you both immensely. Thanks for always hyping me up and letting me infiltrate your room all the time.
Ahna Fleming: Oh what a shame you only joined this past semester, Ahna! You’re one of the most down to earth, genuine people I have met at Syracuse, and I think your contributions to this paper this semester have been outstanding. I think someone with as kind and compassionate of a heart as you is exactly the kind of person this world needs in the newsroom, and I can’t wait to see what you continue to do from here.
Griffin Uribe Brown: For so long I simply typed your name every Wednesday, but I always loved your photos. I was so excited when I heard they hired you to work in-house so I could finally meet you, and then I found out you got hired by news! I was pissed! But in all seriousness, I think you’re amazing Griffin. Kyle was right when he said you’re always there to make everyone else’s life easier when we need it, thank you for your work the past couple years. Whether you’re writing or photographing, your ability to do so well with such care is a gift that one cannot be taught. And you have it. Thanks for letting me always use your apple pencil. Sorry for the pranks, but they were just too good. Don’t be so gullible abroad though, you’ll get ran over for sure. Enjoy the year, really, it will go by faster than you think. And I hope to see you as soon as possible, wherever, whenever, that may be.
Kelly Matlock and Rose Boehm: What an honor it is to do this work alongside people whom I’m in another organization with that I cherish so dearly. It was a member of Chi that brought me here, and I appreciate you both so much whether it’s at 230 or 306, you both amaze me in a myriad of ways and I will be rooting for you in anything and everything.
Mark Nash, Davis Hood, Kevin Ross, Chloe Powell, and Chris Ern: I could say so much more, but you guys really are the glue that has held this place together. Thank you for putting up with me complaining about the cover page logos all the time, and for bearing with me always messing up the ads. You all do so much for this place and almost never get the credit or thanks you deserve, so thank you.
Ava, Grace, Mia, Roxana, and Sophia: Oh how I have missed you all. Don’t worry, we’re running it back senior year. I’m coming home.
Mom and Dad: Sorry for being a ghost the past year. I promise I will be able to call a lot more often now. Thank you for the endless support, I love you both more than I could begin to say and knowing you are always behind me, rooting for me, has kept me going countless times.
Again, if you aren’t on this list, please, please forgive me. Thank you everyone, great work. Goodnight Daily Orange.