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Expand your horizons with these 6 upcoming events

Expand your horizons with these 6 upcoming events

This Wednesday, graduate student Ankush Arora will sit down with artist Rina Banerjee to talk about the process of curating Indian art. This discussion, called ‘Knowing through Looking’ will be held at the Syracuse University Art Museum. Isabella Flores | Contributing Photographer

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A Talk and Awards Ceremony with Fred Gregory and Syracuse University Astronaut Scholars Listen to people who shoot for the stars at the National Veterans Resource Center this Tuesday. Retired United States Air Force Colonel and NASA astronaut Fred Gregory will speak about his career and experience at NASA, as well as the future of space exploration. The event will take place in K.G. Tan Auditorium from 4 to 5 p.m.

BHM: Breaking Stigma – Mental Health Matters
Join a panel discussion on bringing awareness to mental health in the Black community. The event, hosted by the Black History Month Committee, will feature panelists Simone Adams, Dr. Charmain Jackman and Douglas McNeil Reed. The discussion will take place in Schine Underground on Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Knowing through Looking
Artist Rina Banerjee will be speaking about her installation, “Take Me to the Place of Love,” with art history graduate student Ankush Arora this Wednesday from 12:45 to 2 p.m. at the SU Art Museum. The two will be talking about curating Indian art, specifically art from the Mithila region.

Raymond Carver Reading Series: Nicole Terez Dutton
Writer Nicole Terez Dutton will be reading her work at Huntington Beard Crouse Hall this Wednesday. Dutton will be reciting selections of her poetry and prose in Gifford Auditorium as a part of the Raymond Carver Reading Series from 5 to 6 p.m.

Leaders in Communications: Stacey Tank ’02 of Heineken
Alumna Stacey Tank will be speaking about her career as the chief transformation and corporate affairs officer of Heineken. The conversation will be moderated by Brad Horn, associate dean of strategic initiatives at the Newhouse School of Public Communications. The discussion will be held on Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Joyce Hergenhan Auditorium in Newhouse 3.

La L.U.C.H.A.’s 33rd Anniversary Gala
La L.U.C.H.A — Latinx Undergraduates Creating History in America — is celebrating their 33rd year at Syracuse University. The anniversary celebration will include student performances and a discussion about La L.U.C.H.A’s history. Awards will also be given out for education, empowerment, culture, involvement, unity and passion among Latinx students. The celebration will be held at Skybarn from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday.
