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Prepare to faint at Steve-O’s triple X-rated comedy show Wednesday night – The Daily Orange
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Prepare to faint at Steve-O’s triple X-rated comedy show Wednesday night

Prepare to faint at Steve-O’s triple X-rated comedy show Wednesday night

Audiences have had strong reactions to Steve-O’s show and have to sign a waiver when they buy tickets. courtesy of Greg Longstreet

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One of the last times Steve “Steve-O” Glover came to Syracuse, the crowd at the Syracuse Crunch game booed him, but this time in town he anticipates audiences will be laughing — and possibly fainting — at the triple X-rated show. The co-star of MTV’s “Jackass” is on tour for his stand-up comedy show “The Bucket List Tour,” and he will perform at the Westcott Theater on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m.

The Daily Orange interviewed Glover about his upcoming show in Syracuse, preparing for stand-up and advice he has for students in college today. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

The Daily Orange:

Have you ever been to Syracuse before?

Steve “Steve-O” Glover:

Oh, yeah, big time. I was there for a hockey game thing in 2014, and it was the Syracuse Crunch (the Tampa Bay Lighting’s hockey affiliate). They asked me to do a stunt where I would be like a human slingshot, and they would slingshot me across the ice into cans. And when I went to the rehearsal for it, I was like, “This is not gnarly enough.”

So what I needed was to have everybody fire pucks at me while I got slingshotted across the ice, and that ended up just being a big, huge fail and like everybody was booing and kind of bummed me out.

But yeah, I mean, that was just one random experience. It sticks out because it was notable. But I’ve been to Syracuse a bunch of times, like I’ve had great experiences at the Syracuse Funny Bone comedy club in Destiny USA.

The D.O.:

When you come up, are you going to be here just for the show? Are you able to visit any friends or places here?


Yeah, there’s not going to be a whole lot of time. I’ll be in a different city every day. I’ll be traveling on a tour bus. And whatever time I have is generally spent working on you know, this or that like, I’ve got my production team on the tour bus. So we’re shooting or editing or something around there. We skate pretty gnarly, busy around the clock.

The D.O.:

What will the show look like?


It’s a multimedia show called “The Bucket List Tour,” so the bucket list consists of the top stunts that I’ve never been particularly serious about going through with because they are so over the top. It was a pretty ambitious idea to try to go through with, and I did.

I’ve filmed all the stunts and then made this show out of all these ideas. After each bit in the show, I screen a stunt so you see everything that I described. These stunts are triple X-rated and super sexually explicit. A lot of the stuff I did was flagrantly illegal. Like I got a medical professional to put an IV in my arm and administer general anesthesia drugs while I was riding a bicycle. The sexually explicit one is where I was butt naked with this guy strapped to my back in an airplane (masturbating) as I fall out of the airplane.

The D.O.:

Oh, nice.


Yeah, that was a challenging one. It’s basically all sh*t that I could never have done for “Jackass,” and so I did it on my own — no insurance and put together this crazy show.

The D.O.:

I’ve read the audience sign a waiver before coming to the show. Is that true?


You sign a waiver when you buy your tickets to the show; there’s legal language in there. And then on top of that, we then post that there’s legal waivers posted around the venue. And while I’m on stage, I make it very clear: You’re all here at your own risk. And, in just about every city we go to we have at least one full-grown man fall unconscious in the audience. Like, dudes pass out.

The D.O.:

How have the crowds been, other than passing out?


Intense and explosive. It gives me a great deal of anxiety about how I’m ever going to follow this show up. Because, you know, it’s so intense, but my wheels have been super spinning for some time. Like I’m starting to figure I’m confident that I got another one in me.

The D.O.:

What has been the thing that’s given you the most confidence throughout your stand up career?


Initially, the first time that I ever did stand up it was about as scary as anything could be. But then again, that makes sense, because when I was a kid in grade school I was so terrified to get up in front of the class to give a presentation. And it’s kind of scarier if you’re trying to make people laugh.

But, when you stick with this and start developing an act, you find a comfort zone. And if you’re trying something new, it’s less scary when you know that you can just go straight into something that’s proven.

The D.O.:

Back in your college days at University of Miami, were there any stunts that you did that are memorable?


My first day of college at the University of Miami as a freshman, that night was Hurricane Andrew. While everybody was evacuated into the hallways of their dorms, I was swimming across the lake on the campus. There was a lot of stuff. I was always up to something over there.

The D.O.:

So any advice for college students that want to do some pranks?


I just have really good advice for how to get through college because I learned from my own mistakes. The secret to graduating college is it is all about attendance. If you go to every single class religiously, then you always know when to do the minimum amount of work. But, you see, I skipped this one and that one, and it turned into a slippery slope. Then by not attending class, I had no idea when to do the minimum amount of work and of course I f*cking failed out. Just remember that it’s so easy to skip a class and think that you are going to just skip that one, but you have to go to every single class and then college really isn’t that tough.


The D.O.:

Do you ever think about going back for a degree?


I’m not too concerned with going back to college. Even though my dad’s always encouraged me to take an accounting class, which I think I could possibly benefit from by that in my own little way. I’m growing and learning, and I’ve definitely come to wear more hats as I’ve grown up in my career.
