An SU student’s guide to picking a major that doesn’t suck

Picking a major can be pretty major. Luckily, Humor columnist Josh Feinblatt has dedicated his time to helping those who are undecided. Kiran Ramsey | Senior Design Editor
I’ve met a lot of people at Syracuse University. I’m not bragging. Nobody talks to me once they’ve met me, but I’ve still met a lot of people.
And surprisingly, not every single one of those people has the exact same major as me. Although I tried not talking to people outside of the television, radio and film department, it became necessary once I needed to copy answers in the classes I was taking outside of Newhouse.
What I’m trying to say here is that I know a lot of people with a lot of different majors. Heck, I probably know someone in every major at this university. Yes, even you, Derek, the only person in the Russian and Central European studies major.
Currently, members of the Class of 2022 are deciding whether they’re going to attend SU. Once they figure that out, they also have to decide what they want to major in. All of them have been accepted into one or more of our schools and colleges but probably have no clue about the majors. Even a lot of current students have no clue what they want to major in. That’s why I’m here to help.
If you’re not sure what you want to study, have no fear. I’m here to guide you in the right direction. Here’s a guide to the best and worst majors in each school and college at Syracuse University.
Let’s start off with all the colleges with only one major. You’re stuck. If you don’t like it … leave Syracuse, I guess?
School of Architecture
Best Major: Architecture
Why: Because you’re going to one of the best programs in the country, you have to study abroad and you get to sit around drawing buildings a lot.
Worst Major: Architecture
Why: The teachers are super hard, and you will legitimately never sleep. Also, they give you so much work you have to take five years to finish.
School of Information Studies
Best Major: Information management and technology
Why: Depending on how you focus your studies in the major, you get to hack stuff, I think.
Worst Major: Information management and technology
Why: You’ll probably work in tech support?
Now onto the other schools with more than just one major:
School of Education
Best Major: Health and exercise science
Why: Why the School of Education is home to the physical therapy major, I’m not sure. But, health and exercise pretty much means you just get to work out all day. I hear it’s the most ripped major.
Worst Major: Art education
Why: With all the cuts to public school funding, is this really the thriving industry you want to put yourself in? Don’t blame me — blame the government.
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Best Major: Aerospace engineering
Why: Two words: Flight. Simulator.
Worst Major: All other engineering majors
Why: Three words: No. Flight. Simulator.
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
Best Major: Television, radio and film
Why: I’m in it.
Worst Major: Advertising
Why: The advertising industry is trying to control us, obviously. Don’t be a part of the capitalistic problem.
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Best Major: Citizenship and civic engagement
Why: This is actually a really cool major. It’s all about being civically engaged. It’s more important now than ever.
Worst Major: Geography
Why: You hate carrying around books? Try huge maps.
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Best Major: Food studies
Why: I think this one speaks for itself.
Worst Major: Nutrition science
Why: You have to worry about what the food studies majors eat.
Martin J. Whitman School of Management
Best Major: Management
Why: Because there’s nothing better than not doing any work and saying you’re “managing.”
Worst Major: Real estate
Why: This major is only good for people who like entering empty houses. That’s weird.
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Best Major: Art video/art photography
Why: Either of these majors is great because no matter what you do, just say it’s art and you automatically get an A. Everything is art.
Worst Major: Music education
Why: Again, blame the government, not me.
College of Arts and Sciences
Best Major: Neuroscience
Why: This was tough because there are so many options, but neuroscience is my choice because your brain can study itself. Isn’t that wild? Also, please tell me what is wrong with mine.
Worst Major: Classics
Why: This is easy. Greek and Latin? Really? You want to learn about a dead language and the European Union’s worst state?
Good luck picking a major. There are hundreds. Hope this helped! If it didn’t, just major in all of them.
Josh Feinblatt is a junior undecided major. He wants to tell you which major to pick even though he can’t pick himself. He can be reached with suggestions or links back to this article to help him on Twitter @joshfeinblatt or by email at