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3 Syracuse-related news stories from the last week

3 Syracuse-related news stories from the last week

Roof work is being done on the Center for Science and Technology as part of Syracuse University's summer campus construction. This project is expected to be completed before the fall semester begins. Paul Schlesinger | Asst. Photo Editor

It’s been a busy week for news in Syracuse, from an ongoing murder trial in connection to the death of a Syracuse University student to updates on the candidates running for mayor, here are the top three local and SU campus news stories you should catch up on.

Candidate Alfonso Davis talks about establishing a citywide recreation program for youth at the Syracuse Mayoral Candidate Forum held Monday, June 19, 2017 at the Southwest Community Center in Syracuse, N.Y. Nine candidates for mayor fielded questions from moderators and the community about their positions in the race. About 200 community members packed the center to hear the six democrats, one republican, one independent and one green party candidate speak. Photo by Wasim Ahmad.Wasim Ahmad | Staff Photographer

Another one bites the dust

As the primaries for the Syracuse mayoral race draw closer, the candidate pool continues to decrease. Last week, the Onondaga County Board of Elections disqualified third-time runner Alfonso Davis from the Syracuse mayoral primary race after invalidating some of the signatures he had turned over in a petition of 1,893 signatures total. The invalidated signatures left Davis with less than the required 1,000 signatures needed to be considered eligible to run. Davis’ disqualification comes on the heels of Raymond Blackwell’s disqualification that took place just days before, narrowing down the number of total candidates in the race. According to, Davis is considering appealing the decision.

Some of the equipment parked at the Hendricks Chapel construction site, where crews work to replace the buidling's iconic steps.Paul Schlesinger | Asst. Photo Editor

Have several seats…on the promenade 

A campus-wide email sent out last week by Pete Sala, vice president and chief facilities officer, detailed the various construction updates that have taken place on campus this summer. According to the email, renovated restrooms and improved student rooms in DellPlain, Day and Haven halls should be finished in time for students to move in. Renovations to six classrooms in the Hall of Languages and three classrooms in Link Hall and the Center for Science and Technology are expected to be complete by the end of next week as well as seating, carpeting and window treatments in Watson Theater. New seating made of granite blocks topped by wood surfaces are expected to be installed on the University Place promenade by Aug. 23. Sala’s email listed various repairs that would be made around campus that would significantly improve SU’s campus. “When they arrive on campus, our facilities will be ready to greet them with countless improvements, both large and small,” Sala said in the email.

img_2477Michael Burke | Senior Staff Writer

An ongoing trial

Cameron Isaac, 24, and Ninimbe Mitchell, 20, are on trial for first- and second-degree murder charges respectively in connection to the death of Syracuse University student Xiaopeng “Pippen” Yuan. Authorities allege that Isaac robbed and killed Yuan during a drug deal last September. Mitchell was Isaac’s alleged getaway driver, acting as an accomplice to the crime. Eight jurors have been selected and the defense has given its opening statements. In the following days, Rafal Dobrowolski, an expert in cellphone mapping and analysis testified the phones belonging to Isaac and Mitchell revealed they were in the approximate location where Yuan was killed at the time of his death. Texts sent by Issac have been analyzed by the lead detective in the case, revealing Isaac planned to rob Yuan of marijuana. The trial is still in progress, and The Daily Orange will continue to provide updates as more information is presented.