Seniors look forward to months of post-graduation nothingness

In the upcoming days, the soon-to-graduate Syracuse University seniors will experience a whirlwind of emotions ranging from overjoyed to reminiscent to downright sad.
Pretty much every person walking across the stage to receive a diploma will have the excitement and support of family. For many, that excitement and support will turn into guilt and shame in the upcoming months — a phenomenon known only as living back at your parents’ home.
Four years ago, you were ready to move to college and gain a newfound independence. Now weeks after four years of independence, you’re moving back in, at least for the summer.
For those looking for a job, it can feel like a cycle. You’re wishing for that “leave your underwear anywhere” independence again, but getting off the couch and turning off that “Tosh.0” rerun is so hard.
For others, moving back in was all part of the plan.
“I’m ready to move back into my parent’s house,” Ira Onik, a senior accounting major, said. “It’s like living in a dorm with a dining hall but without a roommate and having to pay any money.”
A majority of seniors will move back in with their parents. Whether it’s because their job or internship is near their house, they are still trying to find a job or they have no intention of ever leaving the room they grew up in, seniors will probably sleep in a room very well-suited for a15-year-old.
“Sleeping in a baby blue painted room with my My Chemical Romance and Green Day posters plastered around the walls and trophies from rec soccer when I was 8 might seem kind of weird if I saw it in someone else’s room, but it’s completely normal because I’ve been sleeping there for three-quarters of my life,” Alex Hammyton, a graduating graphic design major, said.
Others have big plans for after graduation, and you probably know because they posted on Facebook and everyone is asking about it. Senior bioengineer Manny Bananey will work for a firm in New York City.
“I feel like everyone is mentioning my job and saying how happy they are for me, but none of them actually mean it,” Bananey said.
The splitting up of best friends that have been together for four years will be emotionally straining. But seniors know they will be friends with the people they’ve met here and remember those experiences forever.
“I know I said to my friends at high school graduation that we would not let the distance kill our friendships, but this time I actually mean it,” Jim Nasium, a senior information management and technology major, said.
No matter what lies ahead, graduation is an exciting time as different seniors look forward to different things.
“I cannot wait to sit in the dome and be spoken at for two hours about life lessons that I did not make at school,” Cemore Butts, a senior architecture major, said.
“I’m just wondering if there will be food,” Al Dente, economics major, said. “Will they feed me? Do I have to swipe in? I don’t have swipes left, I’m graduating. I feel like they should feed us, right?”
With graduation quickly approaching, Syracuse seniors still have many questions. But they’re smart, and they’re graduating with some sort of a degree, so they will figure it out.
I wish luck to all of our seniors. You have worked hard and bleed orange, and you will always be a part of the community, unless you come back to visit too much or never leave.
I know many of you will go on to do amazing things. And if you do, please hire me when you figure out that whole success thing. Thanks.
Josh Feinblatt is a sophomore television, radio and film major. He will be attending all gradations and cheering for every single person walking across that stage because he expects someone will do the same for him. He can be reached by email at or on Twitter @joshfeinblatt.