Coffee wars: Cafe Kubal versus Recess Coffee

Cafe Kubal's Guatemala roast packs a full-bodied kick guaranteed to help you wake up after a late night. Jessica Sheldon | Photo Editor
Coffee is the blood that runs through the veins of every college student. No matter the time of day, any given coffee shop surrounding campus will have a crowd students. The question is — what coffee shop brews the best? As an avid coffee drinker, I decided to compare two of the most popular coffee shops in the area — Café Kubal and Recess Coffee – in an effort to both judge and highlight their drinks.
For this test, I ordered what I would consider prototypical cup of hot coffee as well as a cup of iced coffee. No milk, no sugar, just a basic cup for a clean comparison. I rated each coffee keeping in mind the flavor, bitterness, and smoothness as well as the atmosphere of the shop. Let the caffeine-fueled competition begin.
Cafe Kubal
This cafe is not only a great spot to grab coffee, but the ambiance and long, communal tables beckon students to gather to study or chat. Cafe Kubal is known for its use of the pour-over method of brewing coffee, something many quick serve coffee shops like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts don’t have the luxury of doing. Although it took a little longer than just pulling the lever on a traditional coffee pot, I knew that what I was getting was going to be fresh because it was made right in front of me.
I had my choice of whatever blend I wanted because it was being made in an individual batch. Good tip – always ask the barista what he or she likes, they know which brew comes out the best, or is most ordered. In this case, I went with the Guatemalan blend, which is categorized as a medium roast, and here’s what I found.
HOT – It initially has a bite, but the flavor really comes through. I find it hard to find a cup that is rich-bodied without being bitter, but this really does the trick. My expectations for a hot cup of coffee is that it wakes me up, and a cup of this would definitely jolt me awake on a Monday morning.
COLD – My first reaction is that this is one smooth cup of coffee, and it doesn’t even have any milk in it yet. It is so smooth that it is almost sweet, unlike a lot of traditional iced coffees or cold brews that are almost insufferable without milk or sweetener. It doesn’t provide as complex of a flavor cold as it does hot but it is still full-bodied and very enjoyable.
Recess Coffee
Jessica Sheldon | Photo Editor
Although it is a slight hike from campus, Recess Coffee in Westcott is well worth the trip. Up until this point I had never gone to Recess but I was excited because I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. The atmosphere is comforting and warm so it is no surprise that students flock there to enjoy a cup while they get their work done. Also, it is open until midnight every single night, so it is the perfect place to hit before making that deadline. In addition to their wide range of coffees they also offer a unique variety of baked goods.
I decided to go with the house brew, which, on the day, was the Westcott blend – another medium roast. For iced, I begrudgingly decided to order a cold brew, which is usually too strong for me, but I was intrigued at how it is served using a tap just like a beer. Lets see how these brews stack up.
HOT – It was pretty standard, but enjoyable. I don’t think I would be able to drink this without any milk or sugar, though it is definitely for the average coffee drinker, non-offensive, smooth and not too strong. I did appreciate that the pots of coffee had the brew time on them, so I knew what to expect in terms of freshness, as you can never really know that with a lot of chain coffee shops. Overall though, it was nothing I couldn’t find closer to school.
Jessica Sheldon | Photo Editor
COLD – Okay, this cup of coffee completely changed the cold brew game for me. I am not a fan of cold brew coffee because if I get anything bigger than a small I start to shake from all of the caffeine. However, this cup was so smooth and light, something that I could actually sit down and enjoy drinking rather than gulping it down before a particularly boring lecture. It did not need milk or sugar, and the flavor was sweet enough to not be tampered with. I would happily go out of my way to Recess to get this cold brew again.
If you are looking to venture out of the Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts universe, Café Kubal and Recess Coffee have some incredible options for any coffee lover. Their shops offer a comforting and cozy atmosphere, which, when paired with their variety of coffees, creates a winning combination. The dedication to roasting, brewing and serving high quality makes both Café Kubal and Recess Coffee great options for any SU student.