Harpoon Winter Warmer rings in holiday season with cinnamon flavor

Lukas Halloran | Staff Photographer
Although not very sweet, the Harpoon Winter Warmer leaves a lingering flavor of pumpkin pie.
The cycle of seasonal beers is an interesting rotation of flavors. The transition of the level of hoppy, malty, bitter, sweet and fruity flavors of beers can vary greatly between the many months of the calendar year. The ebb and flow of flavor complexities from summer to winter and back again is what makes beer so great.
As the calendar flips to December, we move deeper into stout and porter season — the beers get thicker and sweeter as people migrate from front porches to fireplaces. Winter beers were made to be enjoyed while wrapped in a blanket and sitting in front of a warm fire. Although that image is one that us students have to all but dream of, a nice winter beer is always as close as it gets for me.
That thought process, and the fact that the temperature has dropped to below 30 degrees, is what led me to the Harpoon Winter Warmer. The Boston-based brewery’s six-pack, decked out with the vibrant red and green colors of a holly plant, looked like the perfect holiday ale.
The copper-colored spiced ale had a powerful cinnamon aroma, and its flavor was almost as strong as its smell. The beer packed a very flavorful punch, packed with cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice zest. However, despite those dominating, rich flavors, the Winter Warmer was not as sweet as it may sound. The beer has only a mild-sweetness to it, and the faintest taste of pumpkin pie lingered on the tongue. As is the case with most winter ales, the Winter Warmer had a hearty malt backbone, and the beer was crafted with just the right amount of hops.
I enjoyed the Winter Warmer, but the beer was not as sweet as I had previously expected. Usually beers that emphasize a cinnamon and malty flavor are richer and smoother, but the Winter Warmer, with its seasonally spicy flavor and touch of bitter hops, has more bite than you would expect. But don’t let that analysis dissuade you — the Harpoon Winter Warmer is exactly what you could ask for from a winter ale, and would be the perfect beverage to warm you up on a cold winter night.
Published on December 3, 2015 at 12:01 am
Contact Clayton: ckdyer@syr.edu