To take your taste buds for a ride, try the Saranac Imperial IPA

Lukas Halloran | Staff Photographer
Imperial IPAs, like the Saranac Imperial IPA, often are very strong, very hoppy and have a high alcohol percentage.
I was craving an IPA.
Because of the string of porters and stouts that I have been reviewing, I realized that I had not had an IPA in what felt like forever. With that in mind, my hunt for a beer to review was made a lot easier this week.
My hankering resulted in my deciding to try Saranac Imperial IPA, a part of the Utica-based brewery’s High Peak Series. As the name implies, imperial IPAs are some of the strongest beers out there, are very hoppy and usually have a rather high alcohol percentage. With an ABV of 8.5 percent, the Saranac Imperial IPA definitely had met the second criteria. The bottle describing the beer as having “a big hop aroma” gave me the feeling it was going to meet the first criteria as well.
The Imperial IPA poured to form a golden, orange color with very little head. Just as anticipated, the beer had a pungent, hoppy smell to it and had hints of citrus. In line with imperial IPA fashion the beer was undoubtedly strong with an overwhelmingly hoppy flavor.
The beer left an expectedly bitter aftertaste in my mouth, but had a surprisingly sweet flavor initially that the bottle described as bright and tropical. Although it can be tough to find, the beer had a fruity aroma to it that complimented its strong, hoppy flavor nicely. Despite how strong the beer was, it had a pleasantly smooth texture to it and went down easy.
As the bottle states, this is a beer that is truly meant to be savored. The only thing that is stronger than its 8.5 percent ABV is its hoppy flavor, ensuring that drinkers take their time appreciating this beer. The Saranac Imperial IPA would pair perfectly with grilled barbecue meats, salmon, Monterey jack and sharp cheddar cheese.
Although the onset of winter usually signals a shift from fruity, hoppy beers to thicker and creamier stouts and porters, there is no reason not to mix in the occasional IPA to keep things interesting. If you’re feeling adventurous and want to take your taste buds for a ride, the Saranac Imperial IPA is the perfect place to start.
Published on November 19, 2015 at 12:01 am
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