Registering for classes as told by Twitter

Sam Maller | Staff Photographer
After all the stress of registering for spring classes, you get to walk to them in this weather.
Anyone that has ever registered for classes knows what a pain it is. Luckily, we have the internet to visually represent these feelings of rage, confusion and hopelessness.
Stage 1: Wary, but feeling good
At first, you feel relatively confident. You vaguely remember registering for the semester before and recall that it sucked, but you’re older and wiser now, so it can’t be that bad, right? Wrong.
Registering for classes
— Lex (@LexieJordan22) October 30, 2015
Stage 2: When you have a hold on your account
Everyone else is freaking out and you’re just sitting there waiting for advising to lift your hold so you can freak out, too. After all, misery loves company.
when everybody is registering for classes but you have a hold on your account
— Lena Burgess (@nolenaisnothere) October 27, 2015
Stage 3: The moment you realize how terrible this truly is
And then it dawns on you. This is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the earth. No one has ever been this frustrated.
me when I’m registering for classes for next semester:
— baedah (@jaydeeeer) October 28, 2015
Stage 4: If I just keep clicking, it’s bound to work, right?
Everyone is registering all at once, so the network is working overtime. That means that whatever the university site says could be wrong. Someone else could have enrolled in that class you for your major just a millisecond before you and gotten the last remaining spot.
Registering for classes be like…
— Malcolm Friday (@cantforgofriday) October 28, 2015
Stage 5: That empty scared feeling
None of the classes that you wanted are left and you have no idea how to remedy the situation. The only logical solution is to lay on your floor for the next three hours contemplating dropping out.
Registering for classes like
— Emily Marie Williams (@heliacalrisings) October 27, 2015
All in all, registering for classes is a hell that we would not wish on anyone. Sadly, we all have to do it. So get ready because mid-November is coming up and dragging registering along with it. Good luck.
Published on November 9, 2015 at 7:43 pm