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Comstock Avenue apartment burglarized, knife present

Comstock Avenue apartment burglarized, knife present


A student’s house on the 100 block of Comstock Avenue was burglarized Thursday morning, according an e-mail sent by the Department of Public Safety to the student body.
The suspect entered the house around 2:30 a.m. by cutting through the screen of an unlocked bedroom with a knife, according to the e-mail. The unknown male demanded and received several items from the student.
Although a knife was present, the student was uninjured, according to the e-mail. 
Once the student gave away the items, the suspect fled the scene, according to the e-mail. 
The student described the intruder as a black male in his early 20s, about 5 feet 10 inches, 215-230 pounds and last seen wearing a black shirt and pants, according to the e-mail. 
-Compiled by Beckie Strum, news editor,