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Thirsty Thursday

Thirsty Thursday: Commodore Perry India Pale Ale

Great Lakes says the beer pairs well with carrot cake, spicy foods and “glorious sideburns.”

Logan Reidsma | Photo Editor

Great Lakes says the beer pairs well with carrot cake, spicy foods and “glorious sideburns.”

There is something nice about throwing on that ratty old sweatshirt you have buried in your closet for the first time every fall, that first September afternoon when the weather is too chilly for a long-sleeve shirt but too warm for a jacket.

Maybe it’s just me, but there’s nothing I love more than throwing on that sweatshirt, sitting out in the crisp fall air, and sipping on a beer — that warms the soul.

That day for me was last Sunday, that sweatshirt was my prized Wawa sweatshirt, and that beer was a Great Lakes Commodore Perry IPA.

I didn’t know much about Great Lakes Brewing Co. before purchasing a six-pack of the Commodore Perry IPA at Tops. Sometimes a beer’s artwork can be enough to prompt me to give it a try, and that was certainly the case with the Commodore Perry. Nothing catches my attention more than a painting of a War of 1812 general adorning the label of a beer.

The Commodore Perry has a rich, golden color to it, and poured into a glass with little to no head. The beer had a very light citrus smell, and just enough citrus taste to balance out the bitter taste of hops.

The first word to came to mind upon my first sip was rich. The Commodore Perry has a very thick, smooth flavor to it, which is tough to find in an IPA. Great Lakes claims that the brew has “an arsenal of caramel malt flavors,” and that description is spot on.

The Commodore Perry has a strong caramel, malty flavor to it, perfect for brisk fall days. However, although the beer certainly is rich, it has just enough hops and citrus notes to balance the malty flavor, making for a delicious combination.

To top it all off, Great Lakes says the beer pairs well with carrot cake, spicy foods and “glorious sideburns.” After a few sips of the Commodore Perry, I could have gone for all three.

With temperatures dropping into the 60’s and that notorious biting wind picking up on the Hill, it’s getting to be time to hunker down with a nice hearty beer, and the Commodore Perry makes the perfect companion.

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