Our humor columnist’s dream bid day themes would make any new member’s day

Over the weekend SU sororities celebrated new members. Our humor columnist gives her recommendations for next year’s bid day themes. Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
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Today, I learned that each sorority has a different theme for their bid days. This was news to me because I thought that they all followed the same theme: screaming loudly for hours straight. I have to give it to SU’s sororities this semester, they got creative. A few of my favorite themes were circus, cars and jeans… I got a little lost on the last one, but I bet it was fun.
This all inspired me so much that I decided to come up with a few of my own sorority bid day themes! Unfortunately, since I can’t remember the names of more than two sororities, I cannot rush. So if anyone in a sorority is reading this, here are some bid day themes that I came up with:
#1: Deep Sea Creatures
Nothing screams “bid day” like a giant isopod or goblin shark! Be sure to make a splash with a deep sea creature-themed bid day. I think that there’s a lot of fun stuff to do here. You could get a kiddie pool and fill it with some Japanese spider crabs (I know a guy, you have my email), or perhaps even an ice sculpture of an abyssal comb jelly!
#2: Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock … the master of suspense. Sounds like the perfect theme for a super fun bid day celebration! In the spirit of “The Birds,” sororities can hang fake birds from the ceilings of their houses. (Pro tip: they don’t necessarily have to be murderous.) For any “Strangers on a Train” fans, a real life conductor will be there. (I don’t know, I’ve never actually seen the movie).
#3: Corduroy
Going off of Alpha Chi Omega’s “jeans” theme, I think that there should be some representation of another popular material: corduroy. Sororities can wear corduroy shirts, corduroy pants, corduroy socks and maybe even corduroy underwear if you’re into that. If a new member isn’t wearing corduroy, they have to sleep on the lawn their first night in the house … in a sleeping bag made of corduroy.
#4: The Industrial Revolution
Labor? More like slay-bor! Be the star of bid day with an Industrial Revolution-themed party! You may be thinking, “Sarah, the Industrial Revolution does not sound like a whole lot of fun.” Well, think again, because I came up with some super fun games to play at this party, including a trivia round! Quick! Think fast: What were the most important inventions of the Industrial Revolution? If you throw an Industrial Revolution-themed bid day party, you’ll be sure to find out!
#5: Judge Judy
To get any initial beef out of the way, have a “Judge Judy” themed bid day! New members (playing defendant and plaintiff, naturally) can stand in front of an older sorority member (Judge Judy) and air out their grievances about each other. A jury (made up of existing sorority members) can even have the power to send them to a real prison (a Bird study room that locks from the outside)! Democracy at its finest.
Oh gee, all of this brainstorming makes me want to throw a bid day party! That’s why I’m starting a business as an official bid day party planner. For any questions, email me at sarahwellslovescorduroy@gmail.com. Congratulations to all new sorority members and hopefully these ideas will be helpful for next year!