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Duck: Ofentse Mokoka

Duck: Ofentse Mokoka

Asst. Copy Editor | Fall 2022; Asst. Copy Editor | Spring 2023 Illustration by Remi Jose

I unfortunately only found The DO late in my college career. Though my time in house was brief I wouldn’t have had it any other way. So now I guess I’d like to take the time to thank the people who made my brief time in the house memorable.

Ivana: I think it’s only fair to start this duck by thanking the person who made me apply to The Daily Orange. Thank you for pushing me and introducing me to The D.O.

Maggie: When I applied for The D.O. I did so hesitantly. I was excited about the opportunity but I knew I didn’t know that many people in house and it was an environment I would be joining late in my college career. When I found out you were ME, I genuinely took such a deep breath of relief. Thank you for always encouraging me and making me feel like I belonged. I’m so glad I got to watch you as ME; you killed it and I’m so glad we got to grow our friendship while I was in the house.

Rachel: OMG MY FIRST CULTURE EDITOR. When I first met you in Professor Browne’s class I was already impressed by you and loved your kind energy. Thank you for taking a chance on me and letting me join the team. Thank you for always hyping me up and being my non-Newhouse buddy in the house. Please enjoy the peace after this semester, you deserve the break.

Sophie: My favorite frenemy. Thank you for bantering with me. My only regret is that I won’t get to see you as DME, but I know you are going to be incredible. Please remember to take care of yourself. I know you’ll put your all into the position, but you are important too.

Anthony: Thank you so much for putting up with everything I threw at you. I really don’t take your patience for granted. I really appreciate the care you took with the section this semester and I’m so glad I got to see you as editor. Enjoy your break!

Fall and spring culture staff: Y’all were amazing!!! I know I’m biased but culture is the best section for real. Thank you for being amazing, making me laugh and being a great team to work with!