Duck: Sophia Moore

Abe Frankel | Contributing Illustrator
Though it seems like it’s simultaneously happening all too often and not quickly enough, I’m ducking after two semesters in house! And what an incredible two semesters they’ve been. I’m endlessly and eternally grateful to everyone who’s served as a mentor, a friend, a support system, and all the other crazy relationships you build working in-house — whether you’re explicitly mentioned or not (because I KNOW I’m going to forget someone).
Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times over to The Daily Orange and everyone who makes it; truly, I love you with all my heart.
Our fearless DME and one of my best friends! I am so, so glad you were my boss this year — and wow were you good at it. Thank you for all the edits and brainstorms and reminders to link in bio, I don’t know where I’d be without you. You have such a gift for making people feel included and welcome, and that made all the difference for me when I was just a little freshie copy editor in culture. Love you to infinity and beyond!
Kate Kelley
You unironically are one of the best storytellers I know. Even though we don’t work on the same nights anymore, I always love catching up with you and hearing about the latest in your life. I hope you have only the BEST adventures abroad next semester (and stories to tell when you get back!)
The other half of our culture digital dynamic duo! Thank you for always being so flexible and chill about figuring out our work schedule lol. You are so cool and someone that I look up to in so many ways, even if we don’t ever work at the same time. Thank you for being culture’s big sister and for always holding the digital fort when I’m not there 🙂
YOU ARE THE MAIN CHARACTER! I’m so grateful to know you, you are such a fun person to talk to and hang out with. Thank you for having a fabulous music taste, for letting me read your tarot cards, and all the copy checks in between. I promise you I’m gonna come back and visit (often) and maybe even do an emergency copy check every now and again hehe.
Seen any good movies lately? Thank you for being one of my first non-Culture friends at the DO, I’m so excited for you to be DME! Your passion for the paper and drive to produce the best content possible is so admirable and I know that’s going to translate wherever you go after the DO.
Also, thank you for teaching me that OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA BORDER EACH OTHER! I will never, ever forget that.
You are incredible, truly. I am so stunned by your ability to balance EVERYTHING that you do, and you do a LOT, my goodness. Thank you for always having an entertaining story to tell and a cool outfit to go with it.
Look at this guy, turning up in my duck! Thank you for always being such a good sport and beefing with me — we gotta do it for the bit! I am constantly in awe of you and so excited to see where you go next. Whatever it is, you deserve only the best.
Bossman! Chef! Anthony f*cking Bailey! You are so cool, I am so excited for you to lead culture. I’m going to miss immensely your sense of humor and ability to chill wherever you are. True to my word, I’m gonna write for you AND visit AND probably try to meddle in the new culture section however I can hehe. Thank you for always listening to my stories and having a sick taste of music, I’m so grateful to call you my friend. I love you dawg!
You’re gonna do me so proud as my replacement, I already know. Thank you for being so FUNNY ALL THE TIME HOW DO YOU DO IT! You are the queen of overheard and the queen of my heart, I’m so glad you decided to work in house. You’re insanely talented and always so lovely to be with, I’m going to miss our eye twitches and shenanigans. Thank you for always sharing my creative vision and for rooting for my storytimes every week. I love you infinitely and always!
All My Friends On The Outside (Abi&Baylee&Caroline&Caroline&Elliott&Gray&Logan&Seth&Taylor&Veronica&more!)
I’m free! I’m getting part of my life back!
I kid, I kid. But seriously: for every time I’ve had to miss plans or leave something early (or come late), thank you for bearing with me. I love you all with every fiber of my being and am so happy to have such a fantastic group of friends.
Mom, Dad, Ava & Grandma Nina
Thank you for always supporting my dreams to write and work and plant roots on the other side of the country. I love you guys with everything I have, I couldn’t do any of this without you. Espero hacerles sentir orgullosos todos los días, estoy muy agradecido de tenerlos como mi familia.
You did the goddamn thing!! Proud is such an understatement. I can’t believe how far we’ve both come since that very first in-house interest meeting. I’m so grateful that chance has been kind enough to let us meet, work as copy editors, and work in culture together.
And now you’re going to be MANAGING EDITOR??? WITH A KEY TO THE HOUSE????? AND AN ADMIN OF THE SLACK?????? You deserve all of it and more, you are such a star. Thank you for being my soul sister, my support system, my editor, and truly one of my best friends. I love you so fiercely and endlessly, and I can’t wait to see where you take the DO next. This is YOUR REIGN my love — make it a good one!