Duck: Siron Thomas

Remi Jose | Illustration Editor
I’ll admit it: I did not prioritize school as much as I should have during my time here, but it was worth it. Thanks 230 Euclid Ave. for all the memories I’ll hold dearly along with the amazing friends and connections I’ve met during my three semesters working in house.
Henry: HANK! Even early on in your transition, you’ve come eager and ready with ideas and questions. You’re going to do an amazing job, I know the digital section of this paper is going to be in great hands. It’s your time to shine, feel free to reach out for anything.
Spencer: You said being an assistant digital editor was fun for you, and that showed in your work this semester. You’ve pitched some of the most fire graphics this semester, but that punter graphic was probably the best one.
Tyler: Your smile and energy during digital meetings always made my night, even if I was having a rough day. The sports staff and the house as a whole are lucky to have your jokes and fire dance moves next semester. Thank you for your creativity in graphics pitches. I’ll see you around.
Sophia: These past two semesters we’ve had the chance to work together, it felt like you consistently came with an unbelievable amount of energy, no matter what day it was. I’ve loved seeing your drive and confidence to try new things out. I’ll see you around next semester, stay groovy.
Shantel: To this day I’m so glad that you decided to come back to the house! Ever since we met when we were assistant digital editors I feel like we just automatically clicked. Thank you for being someone I can trust and for your aggressive passive-aggressive jokes. We need to listen to the next Lana album together, and I promise I’ll be better at responding to your texts next semester.
Alice: Even with the amount of things you have going on, it seems like you’re always composed and you spread nothing but good vibes when I see you. Thank you for you creativity this semester, hopefully we can catch up with *real* Chinese food before you graduate.
Grace: I’m still shocked at the fact that you’re not a journalism major because you’ve done so well these past two semesters you’ve been in house. Thank you for fueling digital meeting conversations and making them drag on longer than they would if we just discussed pitches — it helped me get to know you guys more. I’ll miss you, but don’t be a stranger!
Kate: We didn’t talk too much this semester, but I loved hearing your sense of humor and seeing your fire sweaters whenever I went down to culture. Have fun in London!
Ofentse: This was your first semester working in house, but you made it seem like your second. Your story ideas have been extremely valuable to the section, and you’ve been a great friend. Also I’ll admit it: I like the portrait you drew of me. It’s a pretty accurate sketch.
Wyatt & Piggy: I don’t know jack about Syracuse sports besides the fact that our soccer team is good this year, so thank you guys for making sure everything was correct in graphics and tweets.
Anish: I still remember when we met freshman year outside of Day because I was curious about the artwork you made. You’ve killed it as both sports editor and as a DJ this semester. You’re an overall caring and dedicated person, and I know you’re destined for greatness. I’ll see you in the next random class we have together.
Cole: I can’t wait to see what you do as sports editor next semester! Sorry again that we never made that alpaca yoga graphic.
Rachel: From copy queen to culture queen to D.O. queen! I’m so glad I got the opportunity to work in house with you and be featured in your multiple facetime calls with Loafie. Looking forward to future Culture wine nights and spontaneously coming to the house to annoy you and Richard.
Anthony: Culture chef! Congrats again on getting Culture editor my guy. Can’t wait to see what you cook up with the staff next semester. There’s gonna be some amazing UFC cards during the spring and I know I’ll catch you for at least one. Also, get ready for some music columns and coverages from me.
Rainu: You, with the help of your staff, single-handedly brought Opinion back to life. The columns this semester have hit so many different topics. Your commitment and passion have been inspiring to witness, I hope you rest throughout break and next semester knowing that you did an amazing job. I’ll honestly likely see you at Goldstein again, so we’ll keep in touch.
Hamere: Congratulations on Opinion editor! You’ve already brought some good ideas to the table, I can’t wait to see what you do and cover in the section next semester. Whenever I visit the house I’ll be sure to come to Op and annoy you.
Richard: The amount of dedication you put into this paper is unimaginable, but you do it every day because of your unwavering love for what you do, and it’s been inspiring to see. Also, hearing you say “SIUUUU” every other day made me want to start becoming a soccer fan, so thank you.
Maggie: It took a while, but I finally found a Lumineers song I like thanks to you, although it is a “Blue Christmas” cover. I never got to work with you while you were in house as a news assistant, but I’m glad I finally got the chance see your passion for this paper, even on prodo days that weren’t the best. Also thank you for the popcorn/Pupcorn, it never failed to make my night whenever we were tired and hungry.
Kyle: You see it’s my flag but it’s also not my flag although it is my flag. Great job as News editor this semester, even with the challenges you encountered along the way. I can’t wait to catch up next semester my friend!
Jana: You’re an awesome writer and I’m so glad you stayed another semester to become News editor! Thank you for adding some decorations to the News office; now it’s up with Culture for room with best vibes.
Julia K.: I think I’ve legitimately only seen you smile. Every time people walk into the room, they’re comforted by the kind and friendly energy that you bring. I hope I’ll run into you in the spring.
Emma: Hope you enjoyed the secret santa present I got you (still can’t believe I let you figure out it was me). Thank you for the countless times you drove me to my place after prodo and to Trader Joe’s whenever I was low on groceries. I’ll see you around on the bus to South.
Jacques: Your memes are always one of, if not the highlight, of the random channel in Slack. I’m glad you wanted to come work in house, I’ll catch up with you next semester now that I actually have time.
Morgan: You haven’t just been the presentation director of this paper, you have been this paper. Your impact has been felt across print and digital. Your dedication to have an amazing quality paper every print night has been awesome to see. Let me know what London is like, I can’t wait to hear about it!
Megan: You’re finally gonna be able to get some sleep!! You’ve absolutely killed it this semester with your graphics and ideas. Thank you for dealing with me sending you event and concert tracker content for social media at unreasonable times. I’m glad I got to meet you and become a little more educated on design and fire ass popcorn. Safe travels to London next semester, we have to hang out again once you get back.
Meghan: We still have more UU press passes to collect. Let me know when you’re gonna be the photographer for any of the concerts and I’ll get Anthony to let me cover them.
Luisana: We didn’t talk too much this semester, but when we did you were a genuinely cool and empathetic person. Reach out if you have any metal recs. I’ll hopefully catch you at a future hardcore show.
Sophie: This semester you’ve shown that you’re many things — an amazing writer, a Boston sports fan, and a world-class ballet dancer. The night where you danced on top of the chair will never fail to make me smile. I can’t wait to see you again.
Maya: I’m so glad I got to meet you when we worked in house, you’ve become a person I feel like I can reach out to anything for, big or small. I can’t wait to see you again next semester and hear about your adventures in Europe.
Dakota: Being an assistant editor with you was so much fun.I loved our conversations about the latest Marvel and video content and sports although I watched them pretty casually. Let me know if you’re ever back on campus or in the city so we can chat again!
Sydney P.: You put me on to so many great songs when you were in culture as an assistant. I’m glad you played Blue Banisters during prodo because I was too hesitant about Lana Del Rey’s new sound, now I still can’t get Dealer out of my head.
Sophie C.: I don’t think there was ever a day you walked into culture and had on a bad outfit — you always had the best wardrobe on deck no matter what style you had on.
Abby P.: I remember the look on your face during prodo when you found out I never had tater tots. I’m so glad I decided to get some and I can’t believe I didn’t have them sooner — they were amazing. You’re going to do great as an assistant digital editor, it’s a fun role so I can’t wait to see how creative you get with it!
Louis: While you were culture editor, you gave me the tools I need to ask the best questions, give the best interviews, and look for stories. Although you’re in a different career path, I’m grateful for the journalism advice you’ve given me.
Nate: Despite being new to the section, you did good as Culture editor and you’re a fire musician. Looking forward to the next EP or LP.
Austin: I still haven’t had the time to play bass more often, but thank you for the couple of jam sessions we had together. They made me feel like I was Flea, even though you’re a 100x better musician than I am.
Adam: Future DME.
Tony: We now share being washed Digital Managing Editor — it’s been a long time coming. Thanks for getting me prepared for DME this semester and your Ohio speeches.
Emily & Mandy: Thanks for the great advice and workshops you guys hosted when you were in management; I still use a lot of information from those to this day. Also, thanks for actually handing out PUP Food.
Abby W.: A Dubs (I’ve never called you that so why not give it a try now), it was while I had the chance to work as your assistant when you were DME that I realized I wanted to pursue audience engagement as a career. You’re caring, a great writer, and most importantly we share the same birthday. Looking forward to our future adventures.
KJ: I never worked in house with you at the same time, but you made me feel welcomed when I first came to the house. Thank you for your advice and internship recommendations. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish down the line.