Duck: Francis Tang

Illustration by Yiwei He | Illustration Editor
When I first walked into 744 Ostrom in fall 2019 trying to get a job, I didn’t get it. Three years later, I know I’ll be choking up walking into 230 Euclid to work for one last time.
I don’t know where to begin. This house, along with all the people I worked with every night, has meant something far more than what I could imagine when I first walked across that red door. After two years working alongside these people, my only regret is that I couldn’t join this place sooner.
This job is hard. Really, really hard. It costs you countless sleepless hours, gives you endless self-doubt and depression, especially when the jubilation of seeing your first byline fades away and when receiving angry emails, falling behind on academics becomes your new routine. But at the end of the day, nothing else motivates you more than the validation from your peers and those who had their voices heard because of you.
You all made everything worthwhile. I love you all with my soul and heart.
Richard J Chang: When you first asked me if I wanted to work on your staff a year ago, I said I’d be honored for sure. Then you asked again if I was just being nice. I’d be more than willing to dedicate this entire duck to you but I unfortunately cannot. Since you first reached out to me when I barely started as a writer, you’ve shown me what true leadership looks like and you’ve always supported me like a brother. I’ll always remember the dreams we shared from Blue Note NYC all the way to Angel’s Share. Let me know when you get tired of spreading capitalist lies for Forbes so we can start the best whisky & cocktail bar somewhere in Manhattan.
Emily: The D.O. has been thriving under your leadership and you managed to achieve all those great goals while taking care of everyone. You’ve always been supportive of all my endeavors and you’ve been such a devoted listener to all the sh*t I couldn’t sort out in my life. Enjoy your life, get some sleep. But sorry, I’m not gonna change my Slack notification sound.
Mandy: Captain Mandy! I lost count how many times you had saved my writing like a superhero at the end of every Marvel movie. You are such a nice person to work with and you’ve provided everyone nothing but genuine understanding and support. Congratulations on graduating. I wish you the brightest future and the happiest life ahead of you.
Sarah Alessandrini: You helped me throughout my first semester as a writer, and showed me how to conduct an interview from the very beginning of my D.O. career. I hope what I’ve achieved this year has made you proud.
Abby 10k: Thank you for being the biggest fan of my outfit pick and style of fashion. Always enjoyed your constant dad jokes and brilliant digital ideas on the side. You are a true D.O. legend.
Ghael: You first showed me there were people who still care about those whose voices were left unheard on this campus. You were the first person who encouraged me to join The D.O. and I’ll be ever grateful for that.
Chis Hipp: I always believe it was a gift from heaven that I met you during our first semester in Eggers 012 so I can have the opportunity to get involved with The D.O. in the first place. Thank you for everything.
Sessa: Your writing inspired me in every aspect of what true investigative journalism looks like. Your name stands for journalistic integrity to me.
Maggie: It was a pleasure working with you. Welcome back.
Corey: You’ve been such a positive influence to me and I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to walk me through your experience. Happy graduation.
All those who came before me: Thank you all for leading a non-Newhouse kid into the world of journalism.
Brichard: I think I’ve contributed to nearly half of the Slack reacts of you so I thought I’d fire myself before you get that power to do so. I have every faith that you are going to nail it leading this paper, but PLEASE figure out how to spell your middle name.
Chou(i?)nard: There’s no one else I’d rather spend time covering a protest with in a 30-degree winter night. You’ve always been the support of morale of the entire section. Being news editor is tough, but I’m sure you’ll manage it like no one else.
Lilli: When you left last fall, I felt you would come back at one point but I wasn’t sure. Then you knocked us all out with your Light Work masterpieces. You gave me the validation when I needed it the most and I’m more than thankful for that. Welcome back.
Karoline: You were too good for Syracuse and I couldn’t be happier to see all your accomplishments in your new journey. Good luck in all your future endeavors and please come back to visit someday.
Shantel: So happy to know you decided to come back. You’ve reported many tough stories for News and you’ll do great in Culture.
Ivana: You’ve always been so nice to everyone. You are adamant about the future ahead of you and you are definitely going to achieve great, big goals in your career.
BetaDanny: The walk from 230 Euclid to the Mount every night has become less of a torture because of you. You always know what you want to pursue. You have such a future.
Jana: My Queen. First you impressed me by how good you could write, then you impressed me by some of your other talents. You’ve always been the girl boss and a dose of sunshine in the newsroom since Day 1. You are a strong, independent, outstanding person and you’ve won everyone’s heart by your genuine kindness and utmost professionalism.
Katie: I knew you were going to be a legendary copy editor the moment you roasted me in #random for a typo in my tweet. I’ve thrown last-minute tasks at you from time to time yet you can always deal with them like no one else. Your writing is flawless. I’m lucky to meet you as a colleague, but more importantly, as a friend.
Grace: I’m so happy to have you to take the torch for news copy this spring. We have some fundamental disagreements on things like Robert Pattinson being the hottest actor in Harry Potter, but I have no doubt that you will do great with digital.
Stephanie: Hoya Saxa! Your first News story totally knocked me out and I’m fortunate enough to work with such a talented writer like you. Welcome to the team. I’ll look for your bylines.
Alice, Luisana, all future News staffers: The D.O. newsroom has always been a family to me. And I hope it will become yours, too.
Meghan: You are the most dedicated photo editor I’ve seen while in house and you have a gift in storytelling through your lenses. It’s my privilege to be your honorary photo assistant.
NateFenn: I can’t believe it took me this long to realize we’ve met each other since the very beginning. You’ve led two sections in two semesters at The D.O. and both have been thriving under your leadership.
Tony: Thank you for letting me create so many DME memes under your watch. I’ll miss your out-of-the-blue yelling and those minor heart attacks you’ve given me. You’ll always be a special character in my heart and please give me a tour when I visit Cleveland someday.
Micaela: Welcome to my outfit appreciation club! Thank you for always being open-minded to my ideas and choosing my photos for Op pieces on almost a daily basis.
Siron: You have an unmatched sense of humor. Digital will stay strong under your watch.
Shannon: The D.O.’s design tsar. You are one of the most talented people I’ve ever met and you are always the nicest person in house even under the deadline pressure. THAT BEING SAID, I swear I will chase you all the way to Florence if you don’t take the mug with you. Mark my words.
Maya: During the craziest moments during prodo, you can always keep Kyle from getting out of control. The graphics you make every day are beyond amazing. The D.O. will miss you so much.
Morgan: MY SECRET SANTA! It is my honor to announce you’ve won the second place of The D.O.’s best outfit award. Who got the first place? Me of course. You are such a marvelous designer and I can’t wait to see more brilliant paper designs from you.
AlphaDanny: I can’t remember how many times you’ve let me hijack your laptop and make last-minute edits on the pages. Thank you so much for being patient with us as always.
Hank: You are the most wonderful cheerleader across sections. Hope to see you become DME someday. It’s way more interesting than sports editor.
Mengyao: Remember those crazily long calls when we were translating the Aspen column? We’ve made some history here.
Wendy: I still can’t believe it took us three years to get to know each other. The photos you took never fail to catch readers’ eyes and hearts.
230 Euclid: It’s not a goodbye. It’s a new beginning.