Duck: Abby Weiss

Illustration by Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration editor
I’m not wasting my word count on this intro.
Emily and Mandy: I truly do not understand how you two do it. You handle everything that comes our way with the highest level of patience and grace, while still managing to be the kindest people at the end of the day. Your constant validation and support was my main source of motivation this semester. Thank you for giving your all into this paper when everyone else was burnt out, keeping the morale high when I was stressed and for catching all of my mistakes. You always put the well-being of your staffers first, which is rare in the workplace and shows how fit you are to lead. There’s no one else I’d rather stay at the house until 3 a.m. every day with.
Maya: You deserve all the hype. Even on days when you weren’t feeling 100%, you created designs that blew everyone away and nailed every task I threw at you. You were my calm when things got hard, and I always felt like I could talk to you about anything. Thank you for putting up with my last-minute requests and the late nights. I will miss all our deep conversations and singing (screaming) Taylor Swift. Although I won’t be at the house to show you every day, I’ll always be your biggest fan.
Tony: “Learning you” was the most fun and rewarding experience. I’m going to miss all the bickering and roasts, but it makes me the proudest seeing how much you’ve grown this semester. You’re brilliant and have more drive than I’ll ever have. I appreciate all the times you challenged my decisions — even though you were wrong 90% of the time. Digital will be in great hands next semester, especially with me not there to humble you. I hope you know how proud I am of you. This job is overwhelming at times, but you’ll excel and have plenty of people who’ve got your back. You definitely had mine plenty of times. In case I haven’t made it clear, you certainly have my vote of confidence. *fist bump.*
Louis: I think if everyone were to have a person in The D.O., you’d be mine. You always knew the right thing to say and I could always rant to you at the end of the night, even when you didn’t ask for it. You should be proud of how well you lead the Culture section this semester, thinking out of the box when it comes to the budget, constantly supporting your staff, staying focused when necessary but also being the most fun person to be around. It takes a special kind of person to make all of Sports want to write for Culture. I’m going to miss your mansplaining.
Anish: The thought of not seeing you in house every day makes me sadder than you listening to Adele’s ‘30’ album. I’m so lucky to have worked with someone like you. Not only are you one of the most creative and versatile writers I know, but you’ve been an amazing friend, checking in on me when I wasn’t feeling my best and making me laugh even when I’m stressed. Thanks for coining my stupid nickname. It will always be one of my favorites. Keep pursuing your creative ideas, and let me know when you want to listen to depressing music. It will be unapologetically cathartic.
Skyler: You’re an incredible writer and an even better leader. You motivated everyone with your bubbly yet commanding presence even when you were miles away. Leading the sports section as the only female is tough, but you always rise to a challenge. You will go far, and I’m scared for anyone who tries to get in your way.
Richard: Thank you for helping me fall in love with digital, teaching me almost everything I know and showing me what it means to be a good editor. It brought solace coming into this semester with someone who shares the same love for digital and The D.O. as me. I knew you would help me through the chaos just like you did my first semester on staff. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish at Forbes and for more adventures in NYC.
Brichard: What will I do without your high fives? You’re insanely talented and handle the news workload better than most. There’s no one else more equipped to lead the news section and host The D.O. podcast — great fake accent by the way. Expect constant visits to the house from me. Much love for Regina.
Siron: I am the luckiest boss. Thank you for making my job easier, whether it was covering Juice Jam, being the most fun person to work with and tolerating all the times I messed with you. You’re an incredible writer and put in a ton of effort into all your pitches, doing your best to match the creativity standards I set for the digital section. I’ll always keep your secret Santa gift on my wall. Let’s get coffee sometime soon.
Mengyao: You always put 110% into your work, and I’m super proud of how much you’ve improved this semester. You’ve been so reliable, committed and kind. Thank you for always staying up late waiting for my edits. It makes me happy knowing you can go to sleep at a reasonable hour now. Wherever you work next, they’re incredibly lucky to have you on their team.
Hannah: Joining news, especially as a digital assistant, mid-semester is super tough but you’re a fast learner and incredibly hard worker, I had no doubt you’d fit right in. You’re incredibly kind. Thanks for laughing at my jokes even when they weren’t funny. I wish we had more than a semester, but I know you’ll kill it in NYC.
Shantel: You’ve been one of my biggest supporters here, complimenting me in almost every conversation we have and giving me the encouragement needed to get through prodo. You were always eager to learn, and I hope you feel fulfilled from everything you’ve accomplished here. I’ll miss fangirling over Taylor Swift with you.
Adam: Thank you for dealing with all my last minute requests, whether it was a graphics pitch or Insta caption. You always pulled through and were on top of it, keeping up with the pace of Sports better than I could most of the time. You’re so fun to work with, and I could always count on you to crack a joke at the right time.
Connor: Sports is lucky to have you at the helm next semester. You’re one of the most hardworking people I know and are an incredible editor. I’m going to miss fist bumping to EDM music with you. Let’s go to Harry’s sometime — and avoid getting kicked out.
@Henry O’Brien: HANKKKKKKKKK. I’m so grateful for you. Your cheerful presence made it easier to get through the stress of prodo. I’m happy digital gets to steal you for a semester. Never change.
Cirino: I’m going to miss sitting right smack in the center of PSC with you. You’re so incredibly smart, easy to talk to and will be an awesome asst. sports editor. I look forward to reading more of your food columns.
Shannon: It has been such a pleasure to work with you these past few semesters. You are the kindest, and everything you make is impressive. Thank you for all the dedication and long hours you put into the presentation of this paper.
Francis: Thank you for taking a majority of news write ups and your constant jokes. You’re so meticulous, and I can’t wait to see all that you accomplish as assistant editor.
Karoline: News is chaotic, but you handled every task with ease and always stepped up when the section needed you whether it was to cover a protest or SA meeting. I’ll miss ranting about Harry Styles with you.
Kyle: You are the most enthusiastic person in the house and such a joy to be around. I’ll miss your daily COVID tracker tweets.
Abby P. (the better Abby): Whether it’s saving lives or writing killer bylines, I am constantly impressed by you. It has been a pleasure working with you these past two semesters, and thank you for all the Recess coffee that I desperately needed to get through prodo. Your wit and drive will get you far.
Sydney P.: Your writing craft is unmatchable. I’m so glad I got the chance to work with you, and please show me what you knit next. I can’t wait to read your art column in a national publication one day.
Nate: You’re as hilarious as you are kind and an amazing editor. I have no doubt you’ll thrive in Culture. You have an impressive ability of making people feel good about themselves and are highly dedicated. I’ve enjoyed ranting about Connecticut with you. You, Maya and I should meet up in Stew Leonard’s soon.
Mark Nash: I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without you this semester. From constantly fixing the website to all those splash pages you spent hours making, I can’t thank you enough for your help and dedication to this paper.
Moriah: You are an amazing leader and have contributed so much to helping the podcast grow. Wherever you end up, whether it’s CNN or NPR, I’ll make sure to tune in.
Maddy and Maya: You two have made tremendous improvements to the video section this semester, and I’m so grateful for all the time you put into every task I gave you. It makes me happy knowing you won’t have to worry about the podcast Instagram videos anymore. I appreciate you both immensely.
Sydney Bergan: Thank you for being the most compassionate and dedicated head editor. And when you could’ve taken a break after a long spring semester, you then put five months into the Light Work investigation. You never fail to impress me. I can’t wait to read your next ground-breaking story.
Chris Hipp: I’m endlessly grateful to have worked under your leadership, and I learned a ton from you. You’re probably the most intelligent person I’ve ever met and are equally hilarious. I know you’ll make major strides in the industry, and I can’t wait to witness it.
Maggie: Love of my life, thank you for telling me to apply to work in house and for being my support system these past three semesters. You care so deeply about other people, and that’s what makes you a fantastic reporter. I was very lucky to learn from you, and it hurts knowing I won’t see your warm, bubbly self next semester.
Sarah: You’re so hard on yourself, and it drives me crazy. I wish I was as cool and talented as you. Thank you for making me feel welcome when I was a scared new staffer and for always being the funniest person in the room. I’m going to miss you, but I know you’ll kill it wherever you work.
Mira: Most people when they first join The D.O. need some time to adapt and come out of their shell. Not you. While I was a lost new staffer, you had the skill and confidence of someone who had been in house multiple semesters. I’ve looked up to you since the first day we joined the news staff together. You’re hilarious and exceptional at everything you do. I can’t thank you enough for using your talents to raise money for this paper and remaining present as a senior staffer.
Sessa: You embody the very mission of journalism, with your thorough reporting and dedication to holding the powerful accountable. I can’t wait to read your next investigative piece. You’re going to change the world one day.
Casey: Thank you for introducing me to Howie Hawkins. You are the best reporter I know and always brought out the best in your staff as a leader. I’m always looking up to you.
Emma: You are one of my biggest role models. Not only are you an extremely talented writer and reporter, but you lead with such kindness and poise. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish next.
KJ: When you asked me to apply for DME last semester, I didn’t believe I was capable of writing a sentence worth publishing. But your mentorship and friendship got my self confidence out of the gutter and encouraged me to take a leap of faith. I really don’t know how to thank you. You taught me everything I know, and the stories you wrote here are better than most will write in their lifetimes. You make a huge impact on every single person you work with, and I look up to you in so many ways. In summary, I owe you for everything.
Friends and family: thank you for your constant support, and I’m sorry I haven’t been as present. I hope I made you all proud.