Duck: Sarah Alessandrini

Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration Editor
I came to The Daily Orange to do my favorite thing in the world — to tell stories. As I wrap up my time in house, I can honestly say that my favorite stories aren’t in print or on WordPress, but in three semesters worth of laughter and long nights spent with the names below.
Casey: It all started with you, when you hired me as a city beat writer. Thank you for taking a chance on the eager freshman emailing you in July 2019. I’ll never understand how you took on all you did this year as EIC, and how you maintained a sense of humor through it all. If you could handle eight semesters in house, you can certainly handle anything.
Emma: My editor since the beginning. You probably know my writing better than anyone else on staff, and I could never have come as far as I have without your guidance. You kept News afloat through one of the most tumultuous semesters the section has ever seen — I’ll never forget sprinting back to the house from Crouse-Hinds — and your dedication still inspires me today. I can never thank you enough for giving me my start in house, and I can’t wait to see where your talent takes you next.
KJ: It feels weird to say you kept me sane this year, but I truly don’t think I would have survived last semester without post-prodo evenings on your porch. You took Chris, Maggie and me under your wing this year, and we all owe you a lot for that. But aside from us, you have a way of making sure everyone on staff feels at home. I’m glad I got to experience a semester having your booming Philly voice back in house. It goes without saying that the D.O. won’t be the same without you — it’ll certainly be quieter.
Marnie: I don’t think there will ever be a news copy pair as memorable as us — we have a Booty Pool hookup predication to prove it. Sophomore year on campus and in house certainly wasn’t the same without you, but I’m happy that the Freshman Spring 2020 news squad has stuck together despite the distance. You were an incredible podcast host — a fantastic Oprah, if I do say so myself. I’m always looking forward to what you’re going to do next, especially after you dropped “Between Two Worlds” on us — seriously, WOW.
Chris: For someone from anti-Philly Pennsylvania, you’re pretty alright. At least you appreciate a good Wawa hoagie. But in all seriousness, I’m glad our time at the D.O. brought us together — I guess it’s pretty much impossible not to befriend someone you were almost held hostage with. You always impressed me, ever since our first semester. And to take on News Editor when you did was nothing short of a testament to your passion and dedication. I know you’ll go far in journalism, and at the rate you’re going, you’ll go there pretty fast. But for real, please get some rest this summer. Watch some Star Wars or lay in a cornfield, whatever you do where you’re from in PA. Oh, and Go Birds.
Maggie: My rock, my inspiration, my soul mate, my work wife — there aren’t enough words in the English language to describe what you mean to me. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, you bring a light to the newsroom like no one else. In times of stress, you’re there for all of us with your positive attitude, warm smile, contagious laugh and adorable snorts to break the tension. Every newsroom needs a Maggie, and we were lucky enough to have you. But I speak for myself when I say while this newsroom brought us together, our friendship extends far beyond 230 Euclid. I won’t be missing you, cause if you’re lucky enough to find yourself a Maggie Hicks, you don’t let her go, ever.
Mira: When I first heard you were a PR and finance dual with no interest in a journalism career, I’ll admit I was a little confused as to why you would torture yourself on The D.O. news staff. Actually, I’m still confused, but I’m just grateful to have had you around. You brought a vibrant new energy to the newsroom and made me laugh harder than anyone else on staff this semester. Biquoring. Where’s the A6??? I could go on. My Sunday through Wednesday nights are going to be awfully boring without you.
Sessa: I’ve looked up to you since my first day in house — with your sharp wit, undeniable reporting skills, knowledge of everything from the outdoors to politics and ability to tell a story in a way that makes a whole room explode with laughter. But nothing has impressed me more than your leadership as News Editor this semester. You’re an incredible writer, but an even more amazing friend, with one of the biggest and most generous hearts out of anyone I know. Always, stay rad 🙂
Abby: I only wish we could have spent more time in the house together this year. Your sense of humor, quick wit and friendly demeanor are just a few qualities that make you so amazing to be around. I hope we can find some time to spend together outside of house when you’re not busy killing it as DME.
Sydney, Allie, Roshan: MND 305 wouldn’t have been the same without you three. You’re all insanely talented and fun to be around, and I’m excited to see where our lives as senior staffers take us.
Cori: You never cease to blow my mind, from your style (stunning and on-point every time I see you) to your ruling the Op section. Your presence in the newsroom whenever you come just to say hello or to order food with us was truly a blessing. You bring a warm energy with you wherever you go, but I know you mean business, and I can’t wait to see where that badass energy takes you in the world.
Lizzie Billman: You have no idea how incredibly happy I was to find someone on staff who could define “jawn.” Ever since Race 2019, you’ve made me feel so welcome and at home at The D.O., and your continued support as a senior staffer never goes unnoticed. I hope to see you much more post-COVID.
Haley + Leffert: You both made me feel incredibly welcome in house as one of the youngest staffers, and I’ll never forget your compassion and support.
Gabe: When I was a freshman staffer, you were one of The D.O. reporters I looked up to the most. Your ambition and dedication to your craft doesn’t go unnoticed. Best of luck next year.
Lizzie K: You’re such a sweetheart and always go out of your way to recognize everyone’s talent and make everyone on staff feel included. I hope you know your hardwork and incredible creative talent does not go unrecognized, either.
Moriah + Adam: I’m never not excited to see an invite to be on the podcast. I’ll miss seeing you Friday mornings.
Maya: You’re a phenomenal and efficient designer, but also an absolute angel. Having your calm, positive energy to balance out a chaotic newsroom was always a relief.
Anthony: I’m glad The D.O. won’t be at a loss for Italian charm without me. I’m even happier Mira ran into you at XO Taco. Keep up all the great work in sports, and please, no more running for Centro buses.
Louis: A Philly presence in The D.O. is a must, and better yet in a head ed seat. Best of luck running Culture next semester.
Sklyer: First female sports editor since 1991? Okay QUEEN. You’ve had me blown away since your women in sports column, and I know you’re gonna kill it as sports editor.
Crane: It was nice to meet someone in house who also suffered a single-sex Catholic school education. Whether it was on KJ’s porch or on the South Campus bureau, I enjoyed getting to know you during our time in house.
Anish: You’re always quick to lend a helping hand around the newsroom. Sorry I didn’t use your clip for my card game video. Keep being a good sport (pun intended) and best of luck.
Ashley: Your time in house was short, but you took on your role as copy editor with enthusiasm and fit right in on staff. I cherished getting to know you these past few weeks, especially talking about books and your pet sheep.
Richard Perrins: Your writing and editing skills had me impressed from the beginning, and I know you’ll only go up from here. You were a great fit on staff from the start, and I’m so happy to hear you’ll be giving The D.O. more of your time as an assistant. Also, I’m terribly sorry for coining Brichard. Please blame KJ or Mira if that catches on.
Richard Chang: Welcome back! The D.O. is as grateful to have your talent back as ever, and I can’t wait to see what you bring to the table this fall semester. If you ever need it, you can always count on me for “coffee for the free press.”
Kyle, Francis, Lilli, Shantel, Karoline, Tawny: Welcome to the news staff. You have a wild ride ahead of you, but I promise it’ll all be worth it. I believe in all your capabilities, and you should too. The best advice I could give is just to trust yourself and enjoy the little things to come.
Emily + Mandy: We love seeing a girl-boss management duo. I know the paper’s in good hands under your leadership next year.
Anya, Danny, Harry, Kat, Dan + My Non-DOers: The ones who hear me rant non-stop about my work and an industry outside your area of interest, but listen nonetheless. Thank you for the support and the page views. I’m grateful for you all.
Mom, Dad, RJ, Ava: Everything I accomplish, I owe a bit to you guys, for supporting me with writing, journalism, the D.O. and everything outside and in between. I love you always.