More than 300 faculty, students sign letter opposing #NotAgainSU suspensions

SU placed more than 30 #NotAgainSU organizers under interim suspension for occupying Crouse-Hinds Hall after the building’s 9 p.m. closing time. Corey Henry | The Daily Orange
More than 300 Syracuse University faculty, staff, alumni and students signed a letter Tuesday opposing the university’s suspension of #NotAgainSU organizers.
SU placed more than 30 #NotAgainSU organizers under interim suspension for occupying Crouse-Hinds Hall after the building’s 9 p.m. closing time. The movement began occupying the building Monday at noon to continue its months-long protest of hate crimes and bias incidents at SU.
In the letter, signatories call for the immediate reinstatement of suspended students and express opposition to “the university choosing the nuclear option” of consequences.
“This (suspension) is an action of retaliation for peaceful protest, which the university pledged it would not do in Fall 2019,” the letter read.
#NotAgainSU organizers present vital perspectives and critiques to the SU community, the letter stated. The suspension of protesters, many of whom are students of color, will not improve the campus climate, the letter stated.
Proof of the administration’s commitment to change, free speech, diversity and inclusion can only be shown through the university’s willingness to listen to critiques, negotiate solutions and support peaceful protest, the letter stated.
Suspending protesters and citing the disruption policy undoes those commitments, the letter further stated.
The letter refers to a 1970 SU student strike against the Vietnam War as an example of productive, non-threatening interactions between the university community and city police that the university should now study.
“Now is the time to show our values and not waver in our commitment to supporting these students and changing this institution,” the letter stated.