SA President continues support for student body during 2nd sit-in

SA is still trying to determine its role in the movement, Mertikas said. Hannah Ly | Staff Photographer
Student Association President Mackenzie Mertikas expressed continued support for students shortly after #NotAgainSU began an occupation of Crouse-Hinds Hall.
#NotAgainSU, a movement led by Black students, began an occupation of Crouse-Hinds Hall Monday afternoon to continue its months-long protest of hate crimes and bias incidents at Syracuse University.
SA is still navigating its role in the movement, Mertikas said at Monday night’s Assembly meeting. SA is a resource for students and will lend support in any way possible, she said.
“As student leaders on campus, we want to make sure we’re elevating other students’ voices and not speaking for them,” Mertikas said. “We do support all students on this campus, and we do want to make sure that we’re making this campus a better place.”
After the meeting, Mertikas and SA Vice President Sameeha Saied joined the protest outside of Crouse-Hinds Hall.
Mertikas encouraged Assembly members to read #NotAgainSU’s statement on Instagram to understand the motivations behind the movement’s current occupation. In the statement, #NotAgainSU reissued calls for the resignation of four SU administrators, including Chancellor Kent Syverud.
#NotAgainSU held an eight-day sit-in at the Barnes Center at The Arch in November. During that sit-in, Mertikas and Saied said they stood in solidarity with #NotAgainSU, but would not take a leadership role in the movement.
“It is really powerful to see students here on campus leading something so strong,” Mertikas said. “We are here for students. We are here for whatever students need.”