Crouse-Hinds Hall to resume normal operation hours

The university relocated all classes from Crouse-Hinds until further notice on Monday night. Crouse-Hinds classes will continue to be relocated. Corey Henry | Photo Editor
Syracuse University’s Crouse-Hinds Hall will resume its normal hours of operation Thursday, the university announced Wednesday night.
The building, which includes the offices of Chancellor Kent Syverud and other administrators, along with several classrooms, will reopen at 7 a.m. on Thursday, according to an SU News release.
#NotAgainSU, a movement led by Black students, has occupied the Crouse-Hinds lobby since noon on Monday. The occupation is part of the movement’s ongoing response to at least 26 racist, anti-Semitic and bias-related incidents that have occurred at or near SU since early November.
SU placed more than 30 #NotAgainSU organizers who remained inside past the building’s 9 p.m. closing time under interim suspension early Tuesday morning. Chancellor Kent Syverud lifted students’ suspensions Wednesday.
Department of Public Safety officers sealed off the building as of Tuesday morning, preventing food and other resources from entering. Students inside Crouse-Hinds are free to leave at any time, John Liu, interim vice chancellor and provost, said in an SU News release Tuesday.
“Individuals who wish to remain in the building outside of standard business hours are welcome to do so,” according to the release. Those individuals cannot re-enter Crouse-Hinds until the building reopens if they leave, the release stated.
The university relocated all classes from Crouse-Hinds until further notice on Monday night. Crouse-Hinds classes will continue to be relocated, according to the release.
Protest supporters attempted to bring food and supplies into the building unsuccessfully throughout Tuesday. #NotAgainSU organizers in Crouse-Hinds received sandwiches and dinner from SU administrators on Tuesday, a university spokesperson said.
Individuals with card swipe access may also continue to enter the hall outside the standard hours, the announcement said. Fire and safety codes will continue to be enforced in order to ensure the safety and security of occupants in Crouse-Hinds.