Ben Walsh responds to #NotAgainSU occupation

#NotAgainSU, a Black student-led movement, began occupying Crouse-Hinds Hall at noon on Monday. Wasim Ahmad | Staff Photographer
Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh said he’s monitoring developments at Syracuse University in a statement Tuesday night.
#NotAgainSU, a movement led by Black students, began occupying Crouse-Hinds Hall at noon on Monday to continue its months-long protest of hate crimes and bias incidents at SU.
Walsh and his staff will continue to be in contact with SU administration, the Syracuse Police Department and students on campus, he said.
“My primary concerns are ensuring that students and the campus community are safe and that students are provided the opportunity to present their concerns,” Walsh said.
#NotAgainSU held an eight-day sit-in at the Barnes Center at the Arch in November. Walsh visited the sit-in on its third day to address the concerns of students and express his support for the protesters.
During his visit to the Barnes Center, Walsh encouraged #NotAgainSU to work with SU administrators, including Chancellor Kent Syverud, to have their demands met. #NotAgainSU has pushed for Syverud’s resignation or removal since November, along with the resignations of three other university officials.
#NotAgainSU reissued its call for Syverud’s resignation at the beginning of the Crouse-Hinds occupation.