Former GSO vice-president says “not again” about racism on campus

Karleigh Merritt-Henry | Digital Design Editor
Dear Editor,
“Not again.”
Those were my thoughts as an alumnus as again I saw a headline detailing the racist vandalism that occurred at Syracuse University.
As vice-president of the Graduate Student Organization in 2015, I vividly recall the events that led up to the sit-in at Crouse Hinds Hall. I remember the closing of the advocacy center, I remember the administration denying legal counsel to General Body protesters, I remember sitting on the working group to improve resources to survivors at Syracuse.
I also remember the events that have continued to come across my newsfeed as an alumnus, the Theta Tau videos and Ackerman Ave. Students at Syracuse University have been advocating for increased services and programming for students of marginalized identities for years and for years the administration has moved slowly or not at all, showing their apathy through the lack of resources and attention given to critical issues.
As an alumnus who works in education, I want to be proud of my alma mater. I want to recommend that my students attend Syracuse, to wear my Syracuse garb proudly, to cheer for football and basketball games and have a friendly rivalry with my colleagues from Duke and Georgetown. But all I can think of is, “not again.” I cannot in good conscience direct students toward a system that is so profoundly broken, a system where again and again students advocate for their rights and are denied. I cannot in good conscience send donation dollars to an institution that does not adequately protect and celebrate all their students.
I want to love Syracuse. I want to support its students and its programs but all I can say is “not again.”
Sam Leitermann
Vice-President GSO, 15’ and 16’
Published on November 15, 2019 at 12:44 am