Duck: Nick Alvarez

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
I’m one of the lucky ones. I walked into 744 Ostrom Ave. knowing I wanted to be a sports writer and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
This is for everyone that got me to that moment. And for everyone who’s helped me since.
Mike: Not to be too dramatic here, Hemingway, but you’re the reason I’m writing this. You gave me an opportunity and I’m grateful for that. More importantly, I’m grateful to have you as a friend. As a journalist, I’m envious of how hard you work. You’re so passionate and dedicated. Just don’t take it too hard when it doesn’t work out. Enjoy the little things. From meeting in Kenny’s room to late nights after men’s soccer coverages, we’ve argued, we’ve seen Yankee walk-offs and we’ve gotten closer. For two idiot college kids, we’ve been through a lot over the last three years. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
KJ: Oh Kyle, this semester you went from that loud center I was stuck covering in D.O. ball to a good friend. You’re a joy to be around, anyone in earshot of the Sports office knows that. When we reported through Syracuse days after your knee surgery, I noticed with each hobbled step through the freeway that you’ll do anything for a story. Try to win more than you lose next semester.
Kaci: Two years ago, we were clueless freshmen stumbling into the Carrier Dome for women’s lacrosse games. I think we helped each other through that. I’ve also realized that you’ll always have some anecdote or story to make a conversation more interesting. Thanks for letting me crash in LA last summer.
Dab: Tony Bennett and Tiger in one semester? This has been wild. We both found our way in house and we’ve made the most of it. Make sure you make an impact while you stick around. You’re too smart not to do great things.
Aro: Mike told me that you impressed him in your interview last semester. When I met you, I saw the same thing. Work hard and keep hunting stories. Try to learn as much as you can along the way. Let’s read sometime.
Emerman/Hillman/Crane: Well, you’re up. All of you have tremendous potential. Most importantly, you all care. Know that working in-house is about improving yourself and being a part of something bigger. I’m looking forward to see what you guys can do. Oh, and don’t make life too easy for KJ.
Sam OG: Seeing you progress from photog to EIC really shows me that a cool guy can accomplish anything. Thanks for always letting Sports on the Management couch.
Aishwarya: I realized how smart you were in MAG 205 last year. Seeing you this semester only proved me right.
News: I’ll never forget working on the Boeheim tragedy coverage with all of you and everyone else who helped. We did the job right.
Visuals: Bridget, we’ll always have MST. Molly, I’m smiling while parked by the lake waiting for those photos on Slack. Thanks for always letting Sports on the Visuals couch.
#broadwaybops: Omigod, oh my god, you guys.
Maeve: I don’t get why you’re so mean to me. I’m still not gonna post my story before I leave the house.
Paul: You called me and asked if I could cover that one volleyball game. You called me and told me that Leonid Yelin wasn’t going to kill me. Call me again sometime.
Chris/Jon: You both showed me what story and structure were. Even though my Brooke Avery read didn’t go as planned.
Justin: I’ll always remember what you said to me at the last sunday meeting. It helped me get back.
Sam: You showed me Wright Thompson and Mother’s Cupboard. I think I owe you one, probably more. In all honesty, you’ve taught me so much and have pushed me to give this writing thing a chance.
Tomer: I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t take a chance on me as a freshman. Between that and the Daddy Yankee-Olympics video, you made me want to come to the house each night.
Guti: Before I knew anyone at SU, I heard about you and how hard you worked. I wanted to be like that.
Charlie: ‘Shooters Shoot’ is the single-best mac we’ve ever put out/
Billy: We’ll always have Greensboro and the ride from hell.
EB: We got to cover Mac and Q, it doesn’t get much better than that.
Schaf: Anytime I see your byline, it’s hard not to get excited. You’ve made me want to be better during the last three years, even if you didn’t know it.
Graham: I honestly don’t know where to start this. What haven’t we stumbled into together? Taking on Buffalo. Burning down Farm Acre. Meeting the in-laws before meeting Touchdown Jesus. You can talk about anything, whenever. Well, so can I. That’s probably why we’ve ended up living next to each other for what will be three years. Go Blue.
Luc: Your deep voice floored me when I first walked into our dorm in Day. Two years later, you’re still finding ways to give me some moderately-warm take or some grade-A content. Or, I just pay attention to you cause you’re tall. Regardless, I’ve been lucky to have you as a friend the last three years. Go Orange.
741: I’m on my way, Porch.
To my family: There are way too many of you to thank individually. But I love all of you. Your support from the start has put me in the position I’m in today. A village of you came to move me in and I cried on the elevator ride after hugging you all goodbye. I can’t explain what how much it’s meant to know you’re all one phone call away. I hope I’ve made you guys proud.
Jules: I can’t think of a version of the last years that doesn’t involve you. You’ve always been there, putting up with the late-nights and any rambles on structure or word choice. Through it all, you’ve been my best friend. I love you and I couldn’t have done this without you. Oh, do you happen to know where Newhouse 2 is?
Published on April 29, 2019 at 4:51 am
Contact Nick: | @nick_a_alvarez