Duck: Molly Gibbs

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
When I first started working as an assistant photo editor, I didn’t know if I was going to stick around. I used to dread the 20 minute walk from BBB to the Daily Orange house in the middle of Syracuse’s winter.
A year later, I’m dreading saying goodbye to all of the incredible people I’ve met in this crumbling house. Thank you to:
Hieu: Thanks for always being down to shoot something last minute. You saved my mental state more times than I can count and you’re so talented.
Kai: You’re incredible. I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish in the future and where you end up. I know you’ll be terrific wherever you go.
Max: For all the nights I gave you a hard time about anything and everything, thanks for sticking it out. As much as I tease, you mean a lot to me and you helped me out a ton during your time in house. I haven’t forgotten about the pizza.
Katie: I’m so grateful I got to know you both in class and in house. Thank you so much for swooping in halfway through the semester and jumping into the craziness that is working in-house.
Nick: As much as that look you gave me stressed me out, working with you this semester was so much fun. I’m so grateful to have gotten to know you.
Dabbundo: It’s hard for me to remember a time when you didn’t have a smile on your face. Thanks for always making me laugh and for introducing me to the bop, Parked by the Lake.
KJ: You’re such a goof, but thanks for always making me laugh. Partnering with you on the Maddy story was one of my favorite memories. You’re going to kill it as Sports Editor. Be good to Corey or I’ll come back and yell at you.
Kaci: How you keep calm in a room full of infuriating sports boyz, I’ll never know. You’re such an incredibly warm and kind human being. Thanks for always being a friendly face, I’ll miss you next semester.
Kevin: You made me cry that day you went on a hunt to find me orange juice when I was sick. It was one of the kindest things anyone’s done for me, and it says so much about who you are. You’re so talented and you will be a fantastic Digital Editor next semester.
Andy: You make the DO so much fun and I truly appreciate everything you do. Not only are you so talented, but you’re so true to yourself. I can’t imagine the DO without you, but I know you’ll succeed wherever you are. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish next.
Leffert: I’d really only get up at 6 in the morning for someone I care about. You’re an amazing reporter and leader, and you’re going to be a fantastic ME. Thank you for all of the crazy, fun moments. I’m sorry for exploding coffee in your car, but I cry laughing everytime I think about it.
Mackenzie: You create multiple videos every week and make it look effortless. You’re so talented. Thank you so much for all the fun times. Come hang out with me and Marve anytime please.
Michael: That nosebleed joke is burned into my brain but somehow I always laugh whenever you do it. You gave me multiple heart attacks this semester, but you also made me cry laughing. You’re such an incredible writer and leader.
Kennedy: I’ve never met someone so authentic. I gave you a hard time about newsfront but we struggled together and you put up with my constant frazzledness. You’re an amazing reporter, photographer, and all-around awesome person.
Haley: What an incredible human you are. You’re such a talented journalist and such a kind, warm-hearted person. Even under immense pressure you handle everything with grace and kindness. You were a fantastic Pulp editor and you’ll be a fantastic EIC next year.
Gabe: I remember the first time we hung out in Chipotle after Anna’s formal. We bonded over the DO. I never could have known how much I’d appreciate your friendship months later. Scrambling to hand in our 305 stories at 11:50 p.m. was always an adventure. The borderlines trip was one of my favorite moments at Syracuse University and in journalism, and I’m so grateful I was able to experience it with you. You’re such a talented reporter and I can’t wait to read everything you write. Stop saying yur.
Ally: You got me into the DO, and I can never thank you enough for it. I don’t know what I would have done or where I would be without you as both a friend and mentor. Even during the most stressful times when I was sure I was going to give up you stood by me. You’re one of the most talented photographers I‘ve ever met, and one of the most inspirational women I’ve ever known.
Talia: I’m so grateful to have gotten to know you better this past year. You’re one of the kindest, most genuine people I’ve ever met, and so talented. You will be an incredible PD. Please never doubt your skills, you’re one of the biggest assets the DO has, and everyone in this house is lucky to have you both as a coworker and a friend. You truly care about people in the deepest way, and it matters. Please never lose sight of how valuable you are. Bethlehem pals forever.
Aishwarya: You’re one of the best people I’ve ever met. I had so much fun working with you this year, and I honestly can’t imagine having to say goodbye to you. You’re an amazing leader and inspire so many people, myself included. Thank you for every moment, I’m so grateful I was able to know you.
Sam: You’re one of the most incredible leaders I’ve ever met. The DO has gained so much from your year as EIC and I’m so glad I was able to work under you. You put your heart and soul into this place and it shows. We’re all so lucky to have you as a friend and ally. Thanks for all of the laughs, scribbles on the wall, and crazy moments. I appreciated every single one. You’re sick and dope.
Maeve: Your friendship is one of the best things the DO has given me. I can’t wait to live with you next year! Your craziness and willingness for anything always leads to amazing adventures, but you have such a big heart and care deeply about people. The DO has achieved so much with you as Digital Editor. I’m so grateful that you walked through those doors as our Instagram manager.
Anna H.: I cried at the first sentence of your duck for a reason. I can’t imagine not seeing you for an entire semester. I remember the first time we spoke outside the DO house while we were taking a staff photo. I can’t imagine what this year would have been like without you. You’re so talented in so many ways, but I admire your heart and love for others the most. Thanks for the 2 minute walks home, and the late night laughs, and everything in between. I’ll miss you.
Bridget: I don’t even know what to say. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have gotten to work by your side this entire year. You’re an amazing designer and person. You care so much about this organization and the people in it, and every single one of us is lucky to have you. Thank you for every moment, I’m so grateful to have gotten to know you both in house and out. Thank you for being an incredible leader and mentor, and for everything you’ve taught me. I hope you know how special you are. You’re going to achieve so much, and I can’t wait to witness it. You’re one of the best things that has ever happened to this paper, and your friendship means so much to me. I’m going to miss you so much, but the world deserves it’s share of Bridget.
Dan: It’s weird to think that a year ago we barely knew each other. You’re one of the most talented photographers I’ve ever met, and one of my closest friends. Thank you for putting up with me and the 50+ assignments you’ve done this year. I’m so grateful to have gotten to know you better this year, and I’m glad you’re sticking around for a little longer. Your passion for photography and this organization is contagious. My memories with you are some of my favorite both at the DO and at Syracuse. Your bizarre playlists and our ridiculous jokes got me through stressful nights, and I literally couldn’t have done this job without you. You’re going to accomplish so much in life and journalism is so lucky to have you. Thanks for everything.