Duck: Mackenzie Sammeth

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
I was never “supposed to” work for a news organization. From my perspective, news was boring. News wasn’t innovative. News wasn’t for creatives.
The Daily Orange taught me that everything I thought I knew is wrong. To all the people below, thank you for showing me that news is a tweet, an instagram post, a snapchat publisher story, a video, and so much more. Thank you for teaching me to be innovative, creative and anything but boring.
The Daily Orange taught me how to be a better videographer, writer, co-worker and person. I will forever be grateful that something pulled me to that red door of 744.
744 Ostrom Ave: I learned something new every day I was here. I hope the new house does the same.
Amanda: Thankful that your bright, shining face visited my COM 117 class to talk about DO Video.
Lizzie: Thank you for being my mentor in and out of the DO.
The Alexas: Thank you for taking a chance on the freshman that was so confused when your names were both Alexa during my Google hangouts interview.
Ali H.:You were an amazing ME, a ray of sunshine and the person who made me like the nickname “Kenz.”
Leffert: You are going to kill it as ME. I hope you loved España and Miki and Camino.
Sarah A.: Thank you for decorating the house with your art and incredible fashion sense.
Amy: You are beautiful inside and out and so is your work.
Nick A.: Thanks for inspiring #broadwaybops, forever my favorite slack channel.
Susie: You are so much fun. Say hi to your boyfriend in Theta Chi for me.
Sandhya and Diana R.: This power duo brightened every night last semester. Please get your own TV show because you are the most entertaining and wonderful people.
Gabe: ECG! Feels like forever ago we were hiking up that waterfall. You’re an awesome reporter and a more awesome person.
McCleary: What’s your Gmail? Thanks for entertaining all my wild sports-video collabs. You’re definitely the funniest person in sports. Let’s do the cupid shuffle again soon.
Allison: I will always appreciate you for letting me hide in Op with you when Aspirin appeared. You are hilarious and I’m glad we finally made some dOPe videos.
Sarah S.: Thanks for listening every time I started a sentence with “in my fat and feminism class…” You’ve got my vote for Sarah on the Promenade.
Kaci Waz: What an icon you are and will be. I know our future will hold many more grilled-cheese rom-com nights.
Tyler: The fact that you said that I’m one of your most successful students will forever be one of the best compliments. Thanks for all the tours of the (stunningly clean) morgue.
Kevin: Thanks for being my first friend here. Your encouragement always came when I needed it most. I love you, Kev (and study a map please #Where’sFlorida)
Anna H.: You already know how much I love you and how much you make me laugh so in lieu of a note I’m pulling some of my favorite quotes from our slack DMs:
- ‘the craft’
- idk if i should scream at him or punch him in the face
- And like neither would be productive but also you really want to
- ‘Sup
- This is actually work realated
- which is shocking
- I just saw u send some RECEIPTS
- Those are some tight pants
- PSA there’s an Australian boy on ad staff
- This is actually work realated
Please slack me from France. Also, you win as the best explainer person.
Dabbundo: Thanks for never letting me forget that I said I hated news. Thanks for making me like being called “Sammeth” and for being a friend when I needed it most. This house got a lot more fun (and loud) when you entered it.
Bridget: Thank you for introducing me to Mackenzie the cat. Your eye for design will always amaze me.
Kennedy: You have a way of making everyone you interact with feel special. Also, I don’t know why we started being sarcastic to each other but I am so glad that we did.
Molly: I loved our daily Ernie convo of: “Going to the house?” “Yep! You?” “Yep.” I’m so proud of the work we did together, but I’m even happier we became friends. I can’t wait to crash at your/Maeve’s house next year. Let’s actually go to DU afters this time.
Lauren: Thank you for all your beautiful work. I could always count on you to take the seemingly-mundane stories and make them art. This is just the beginning of your career and I can’t wait to watch you shine like the Super Trouper lights.
Anna G.: You could be an etsy millionaire, DIY Queen. You were an amazing addition to the video team and you will be a phenomenal Video Editor. I’m so proud of you and above all else, I’m glad we became closer friends.
Aishwarya: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will never be able to say that enough. You made this semester wonderful. You are a beautiful person inside and out.
Sam Og: I’ll never forget when I thought you were a mind-reader when I asked Rori if we were going to turning stone at 11am or 11pm and you texted “11am” immediately after. I still think you’re a mind-reader because I genuinely don’t know how a normal human being could do all you do. You truly embody: “It’s not possible!” “No, it’s necessary.” I’m forever thankful I got to work with you.
Haley: Hi roomie! I’m so freaking proud of you. I will be eagerly waiting on the couch each night to hear about your day at work. I love you lots. Go kill it, Ms.EIC.
Talia: I would apologize for all the explainer videos but they were amazing and worth it so instead I’ll say thank you. Thank you for always saying hi to me when I was first hired in house. You made me feel welcome and I am glad we became closer friends this year. Your passion for your work is inspiring and I’m proud so of you.
Rori: Thank you for convincing me to apply to be Video Editor. I could not have done this without your constant support, even when it was from across the sea. Thank you for being a mentor and a friend. I love you and see you soon.
Andy: I can confidently say you have been my biggest inspiration here, although you probably know that considering I spent over 10 hours on your website over winter break. Your commitment to your work, whether it be pages, snapchats or formal playlists, is unmatched. Thank you for always being there to edit my cover letter, make me laugh or leak Ariana’s new album. Can’t wait to see you on survivor one day.
KJ: At Race last year, when I barely knew you, you told me that Gabe and Lauren were your favorite people and I responded “what about me?!” I hope that now I made the cut because you sure are one of my favorite people. I had no idea that digital vs Dungey would lead to us being instant best friends but I’m so glad it did. I can’t wait for many more car rides (where I feel like I’m going to die), third-wheeling Panera dates and 4 am hour-long phone calls. Thanks for always being there when I need you most, even when it’s not Sunday through Wednesday. You changed my time at the DO and my life for the better.
Maeve: In true Maeve-Mackenzie fashion, I am writing this while sitting next to you. I never knew it was possible to miss someone from 5-feet away, but then I met you. Your commitment to everything you do is inspires me: you were an incredible social media manager (well, before you killed the position) and you’re truly my Digital Queen. I still have no idea how we wound up working for a newspaper, but I do know that you are one of the reasons I stayed. I know that our friendship extends beyond the walls of the DO, but I am going to miss going to work just to spend an obscene amount of hours with you. Thank you for everything: all the brunch dates, Scotty Doesn’t Know, for reading over my shoulder so that you would be up to date on my life and so, so much more. Our time being “journalists” might be over but I know our friendship isn’t. Let’s go take on the world, girlfriend.
My Friends, FYPhamily, LFSB Family and Roomies: Thank you for your constant support and patience with me. Thank you for delivering me food to 744 and calling me on my midnight walks home. Can’t wait to fill my free time with y’all.
Mom, Dad and Trevor: Thank you for loving and supporting me always. You are the best family and I am incredibly blessed. I love you from Syracuse to Chicago and beyond.
Published on April 29, 2019 at 4:55 am