To show students their various abroad options, SU hosts ‘Abroad Day’

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
With more than 100 programs in 60 different countries to choose from, deciding where to study abroad can be a difficult decision to make for some students during their college experience. To help guide students in their decision-making process, the Syracuse University Abroad program will host a “Study Abroad Day” on Thursday to showcase every destination available.
This year’s Abroad Day will take place on Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management Atrium. The event is designed as an opportunity to give prospective students a chance to talk with more than 30 Global Ambassadors and 13 representatives from World Partner programs, said Maria del Mar Aponte Rodriguez, the campus outreach manager for SU Abroad. A variety of light refreshments and international food will be offered, as well as gifts courtesy of SU Abroad, according to a news release from SU Abroad.
“We’re trying to have this day for students to be able to interact with others that have been abroad and hear about their experiences,” Rodriguez said. “How they can adopt things that they’ve done and make their experiences their own, as well as develop themselves professionally and personally.”
For some students, this event will be a first look into what traveling overseas entails. By allowing students to speak directly with Global Ambassadors, SU alumni who have previously studied abroad, the event offers insiders’ feedback on what a semester in a foreign country is like.
Students will also have the chance to meet representatives of Syracuse Abroad’s World Partner Programs. Because these programs are run by partnering institutions, this is one of the few opportunities to speak with these representatives in person.
Financial aid counselors will also be available to help students better understand the different options they have available to help fund their trip, Rodriguez said.
“In general, there tends to be more financial aid available then students are aware of,” said Erika Wilkens, the assistant provost and executive director of SU Abroad. “It’s important for students to get more education on what’s available.”
For students who have already decided to study abroad, Thursday’s event will be the next step toward finalizing travel plans. Global Ambassadors can assist in answering any pressing questions about travel logistics, while admissions counselors will be available to facilitate the application process, Rodriguez said.
“This event is where you can get someone’s personalized advice about what to pack, what you don’t need to carry and all the kinds of things you can anticipate doing,” Wilkens said. “And you can potentially meet other people who are interested in studying abroad.”
The SU Abroad program also announced a new merit-based scholarship for its summer 2019 study abroad programs. The scholarship application will be available within the OrangeAbroad portal once a travel application for a summer 2019 program has been started. Summer admissions counselors and representatives will be available Thursday to help students learn more about this grant, according to its website.
“On average, one in 10 students in the United States are studying abroad,” Wilkens said. “If you want to distinguish yourself in the job market, having that kind of an experience and then knowing how to talk about it and use the skills … (is) incredibly valuable for professional development and career advancement.”