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Student Life Column

Focus on sexual health this Frisky February

Focus on sexual health this Frisky February

In February, Syracuse University and its campus community members are raising awareness and knowledge about sexual health. Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

The World Health Organization defines sexual health as a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality.

In February, Syracuse University and its campus community members are raising awareness and knowledge about sexual health — a topic that can be an uncomfortable subject to talk about for many students.

The Counseling Center has a 24-hour hotline in which you can ask any questions about sex — students should take advantage of it. Health Services offers free STI testing and provides free wellness kits of your choosing to be delivered at your door.

You should encourage your friends to get educated on their sexual health, by doing so in a positive way.

“There is no best way to comfort a friend about their sexual health, simply be non-judgmental and positive about it,” said Tristen Johnson, graduate intern of health promotion and outreach at SU’s Office of Health Promotion.

This month, especially, you should break out of your comfort zone and find different ways to tangibly educate yourself on campus.

No one is immune to STIs. Take your sexual health serious and educate yourself. The Office of Health Promotion is hosting Frisky February, and you should get involved.

Attend the “Cookies and Consent Dialogue Series: Somebody to Love (Consensually)” event — a conversation focused on self-care and consent, and the “Pick your pleasure!” event.

Be fearless this February. Speak up about sexual health.

Maria Sanchez is a sophomore communication, rhetoric studies and political science dual major. Her column appears bi-weekly. She can be reached at