Duck: Caroline Bartholomew

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer
Asst. Copy Editor | Spring 2017; Asst. Feature Editor | Spring 2018
When I began my freshman year as a newspaper and online journalism major, I knew I wanted to get involved in The Daily Orange. I wrote for the newspaper in high school, so it seemed natural that I would continue with it in college. When I became a magazine major, I decided I wanted to write for more on-campus magazines instead of The D.O. What was I thinking? When I first started, I would’ve never imagined The D.O. would become less like an extracurricular activity and more like a second home.
I’m not an outgoing person and I probably never will be, but my time at The D.O. has helped me come out of my shell and boost my confidence. This past semester was really tough for me, but I always looked forward to going to work. Whenever I walk into 744, I know I can laugh, make stupid jokes and be accepted for who I am. Even though I’ve only worked in house for two semesters, I honestly can’t imagine my college experience without The D.O.
Justin: You were the news editor fall of my freshman year, and I cannot thank you enough for being so welcoming. As a freshman, I literally had no idea what I was doing, and I can’t even imagine how bad my first drafts must’ve been, so I apologize. Thank you for always being so positive.
Alexa D: You are truly a ray of sunshine. Whenever we’re stressed about things, you always help me keep them in perspective. Thank you for always being calm and approachable, and for always being open to ideas.
Alexa T: I think my face may be eternally red from that time you made me yell PUP food several times because I wasn’t loud enough, but I learned my lesson and hey, whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I always appreciate your sense of humor, sass and memes.
Casey: Things would be so different if you hadn’t come up to me that day in NEW 305, saying Pulp’s copy editor quit and you needed a new one. I almost said no, but thank God I didn’t. Thanks for welcoming me into Pulp and making me feel at home.
Joe & Stacy: What a pair. You guys always made me laugh, and your enthusiasm made me love coming to work every other day. You’re both amazing writers and role models, and you made me want to continue working in Pulp. Joe, it was so good to talk to someone who understands Philly is the best.
Sandhya: Your bubbly personality is infectious, and I wish I could always be smiling like you are. I loved exchanging dog pictures and just talking with you in general. Good luck as copy chief next semester — I know you’ll do a great job!
Lydia: You killed it as digital editor with all your ideas. You were always thinking outside the box, and I definitely want to approach stories the way you do. Thanks for all your skincare wisdom — I will definitely be trying out some of your recommendations over the summer. I know you’ll make an amazing feature editor and you’ll take Pulp to a new level.
Haley: We said it so much and we meant it every time: You are the superstar of Pulp. Your energy and enthusiasm is inspiring, and I’m excited to see what you’ll do with the rest of your time at SU and beyond. Keep up the amazing work! We couldn’t have pulled off this semester without you.
Colleen: I don’t even know where to begin. You’re absolutely crazy, and I love it. Spending so much time with you might have made me a little louder, but I’m not complaining. Thanks for keeping the morale high, even on the crisis days. I love how you genuinely care about all of us, because that means a lot. Best of luck in News next semester — I know you’ll do great things.
Taylor: You were one of the first people I met at SU back at Own the Dome, and it’s crazy now to think how much time we’ve spent together. Thanks for always keeping me on my toes — whether it’s changing brackets to parentheses, cutlines or whatever else I always forget — because I definitely needed it. Thanks for bringing us food on Wednesdays and for often being the voice of reason in Pulp. I’ll miss you when you’re in New York next semester, but I know you’ll do an amazing job at wherever you intern.
Mom, Dad, Liv and Eva: Thank you for always reading my articles and for always supporting me in whatever I do. I love you guys more than I can say. You’re the best family anyone could ask for.