Duck: Brigid Kennedy

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator
Asst. News Copy Editor | Spring 2016; Asst. Video Editor | Spring–Fall 2017
I’m writing this with every intention of visiting the house constantly, so really it’s like I’m not even leaving. But for the sake of telling everyone how much I love them/getting a free illo of me as a duck, I’ll forge ahead.
The Daily Orange has been a part of my life since I nervously attended Open House at the start of my freshman year. I began writing soon after that. Although it’s been a constant source of stress from that point on (Do you know how hard it is to find a quiet space for interviews on this campus? Everyone talks too much.), this paper has given me a place, but more importantly a purpose, here at Syracuse.
I can’t describe how much I love the people at 744 in 1,200 words or less, but I’ll give it my best shot.
Justin: You’re truly the reason I’m here. If you hadn’t been behind it, I’m not sure I ever would’ve joined The D.O. You are an amazing leader, human, journalist and friend. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again — I’d literally follow you into battle. Go team.
Alexa Díaz: Everyone makes a big deal about wanting to lead, but with someone as open-minded, put together and absolutely BEAUTIFUL as you in charge, I’ll gladly follow. I need you to always remember how hard you’ve pushed this paper and how hard you’ve pushed us as writers, videographers, photographers and editors. Everyone here has so much to thank you for. We love you.
Ali Harford: Happy to know you, happy to see your shining face light up a room, happy to aggressively tell everyone you are my little. I can’t wait to see how you make PD your own. You’re INCREDIBLE.
Rori: Welcome to the team, my love! I wish I had the chance to work on Video with you, but I know you’ll kill it. You have a contagious energy and the most infectious smile. Thank you for making my last two semesters at The D.O. so wild. I adore you!
Lucy: I love talking and laughing with you. And if there’s ever a moment that you doubt how talented you are, don’t.
Ally: Thank you for dedicating so much of yourself to what you do. You have the best smile ever. I’m also pretty sure you have angel wings. Also you’re, like, the most huggable human alive. Also thank you for being my friend. Also just thank you. Xoxoxo.
Lizzie: I could not be more proud of you, Liz! Video has come so far and so much of that has to do with you. You work hard and never complain. You’re passionate and talented. I’m excited to watch you take on the spring semester. I’m always here if you need anything at all.
Eliza: I could never do what you do. But it’s pretty awesome to watch. Thank you for joining our team. You rock.
Burke: MAJOR KEY: You’re the most cynical person I know, but you’re also one of the most hilarious. As frustrating as it is to debate with you (Yes, Stevie Wonder is blind. No, the Earth is not flat.), I love getting to do it. You’re also pretty dang talented, and I will relish the day I can brag that I worked with you (long live spring 2016) when you’re famous.
Sara Swann: If The D.O. were a person, it would be you. You’ve dedicated so much of yourself to this paper and trust me, it shows. Your tireless, dedicated and kind-hearted work has taken everyone around you to new heights. This place will never be the same without you. Thank you for welcoming me to your world with open arms. I love you, girlie.
Emma: You might be the most fabulous person I’ve ever met. Your confidence is inspiring, your wardrobe is better than mine ever will be and you’re going to rule the world one day, I am so sure of it. Remember us little people when you do. I’m so proud to call you such a great friend.
Alexa Torrens: If Justin is the reason I came to The D.O., you’re the reason I stayed. Working, dancing and singing Selena Gomez in the newsroom was made 10,000x better because it was with you. I’ve had the distinct pleasure of watching you rise through the ranks, and you’ve embraced each role better than the last. I’m so lucky to be your friend. Love you, cheetah sister. P.S. Your laugh is my favorite thing on the planet and I will tell everyone that until the day I die.
Rachel: Rsleaz, my meme queen, love of my life, my first D.O. friend. There are plenty of things to love about you, but my favorite is how you greet everyone who walks into Digital with a smile. You deserve a lot of credit for taking the section as far as you did. From spring 2016 News (long live) to fall 2017, drinking, laughing, then drinking some more with you is my absolutely favorite. I’ll miss you so much. Nancy Jo? This is Alexis Neiers calling…
Andy: I’m not allowed to swear (lol sry @mgmt), so I’ll just say this — I frickin’ love you. You are one of the best things this place has given me, and I’m unsure if I can accurately express how grateful I am in words. You make working until midnight something to look forward to (no easy task, truly). Never change because exactly who you are is perfect. The D.O. has you to thank for so much. I love you. Let me know anytime you want to make a day of it.
Amanda: To the greatest person I know — thank you. Thanks for being you, thanks for creating a video culture at The D.O., thanks for leading Lizzie and I and thanks for being my friend. I’ve never been so confident that a person will change the world than I am that you will. You have the biggest heart. You are also beautiful. You are an amazing friend. I’m obsessed with you and inspired by you. Literally all my love.
Satoshi: I am so proud of you. So, so incredibly proud. I could start crying writing this because of the love I have in my heart for you, Satosh. You’re amazing. You work harder than anyone I have EVER met and you appreciate everyone around you. Do you realize how unique that is? Thank you for coming into my life. I will always be your No. 1 fan.
To everyone else: Thank you. You know who you are.