The D.O. celebrates 114 years

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator
On this day in 1903, Irving Templeton delivered the first batch of Daily Orange newspapers to the Syracuse University campus.
It’s an incredible time to be a staff member or supporter of The D.O. We were recently named Newspaper and Online Pacemaker finalists by the Associated College Press and brought home the No. 1 best college newspaper ranking from the Princeton Review. We just inked a deal with Snapchat Publisher in an expansion of our digital platforms. And we’re exploring our options for a workspace that will house the next generation of D.O. staffers.
In support of quality independent journalism, we hope you can help us celebrate our 114th birthday by supporting our organization, reviewing our work or learning more about The D.O.’s storied history.
We are committed to serving the greater Syracuse University community as a nonprofit news organization. And with the help of donors like you to support our mission and foster the development of young journalists, visual communicators and digital media creators, we’ll be here to stay well into the future.
We can’t say enough how much we appreciate any contribution you are able to make.
Donate to The D.O. | Visit our Society6 page | Want to learn more about The D.O.’s fundraising structure and nonprofit status? Stay tuned for the next Daily Orange Alumni Association newsletter or email