Duck: Jon Mettus

Design Editor | Spring 2014; Asst. Web Editor | Fall 2015; Digital Editor | Spring 2016; Asst. Sports Editor | Fall 2016
Three years ago, I applied to work at The Daily Orange as a sports and news copy editor even though I had only written one story. Obviously, I didn’t get either position, but somehow I was hired as a design editor when I had no idea what I was doing. During my first semester, I said I’d combine the positions of Editor in Chief, sports editor and presentation director. Nobody was smart enough to let me do that, but I’ve had a hand in producing content for every section since then. After more than 440 bylines, thousands of miles driven and who knows how many hours in this house, I’d call my time here a success.
Lizzie: You gave me my first shot here and I’ll never really understand why. Thank you. You took a freshman who just wanted to be in sports and turned him into a capable designer. You held my hand through a slow learning process, which included being at The D.O. until past 5 a.m. one of my first nights. Even if you wouldn’t say it, I could always tell my your facial expressions when you didn’t like my designs.
Bailey: You were the one to really open up the sports office to me and let me into the family. I don’t know if it was my sarcastic sense of humor or what that turned me into your favorite designer at the time, but when you said that I knew I made the right choice. I think your worst decision as sports editor was asking me to write Campout Chronicles. Sorry we never got to switch positions for a day.
Jesse: During our first read together you said you got “blue balled” by my story because it didn’t have an ending. It was weird to hear, but the ensuing explanation made me realize you really cared. You taught me what a nut graf, kicker and lede are. I was lucky to have someone like you to mold me as a writer and to look up to. You gave me a chance on cross country. I’d like to think I’ve done pretty well since then. Let’s talk analytics some time.
Chris: I brought you into this world. Remember that I can take you out. I suggested you write for The D.O. since I was already on staff and recommended you to cover that first field hockey game. After one Sunday meeting, Jesse asked me if you would do well on volleyball. I wasn’t completely sure, but I said yes. You’re welcome. I don’t know how we survived the drive to and from Kansas City or living together for two years. Housing probably knew we couldn’t handle a third. You irritate me more than anyone else at this place and I argue with you the most. You also gave me the motivation I needed to be better when I didn’t have it myself. This is likely the only time I’ll ever say this: Thanks.
Chloe: You were basically the first person I had a full conversation with at this place. Sorry I encouraged you to curse that night. I’ve never met someone with better Spotify playlists and I’m sorry for messing with some of them freshman year. Thanks for sharing Brett with me. For the record, I wanted him to ask you out since freshman year.
Brett: You were the first friend I made at The D.O. and one of the best, too. “Brett Roulette” made SA Mondays bearable and it was nice having someone who shared my sense of humor. I will cherish our time in the art director’s closet forever. If things with Chloe don’t work out, you know where to find me.
Justin: Who would’ve thought during those Thursday nights at CitrusTV freshman year that we’d both end up as D.O. lifers? I admire your passion and how you know more about this campus than almost everyone. Together, we can help anyone pass a current events quiz.
Schwed: In my opinion, the most impressive moment of your D.O. career was not completely freaking out when you had to take a Breathalyzer at a checkpoint in North Carolina at 2 or 3 a.m. You got more flustered writing the runner a few hours earlier, I think, since you were probably distracted during the game by the flying shoe. I wish I could say I’m sorry for filming your terrible lacrosse shot or taking photos of you asleep in random places like a Steak ’n Shake in Indianapolis, but I’m not at all. I’m glad you didn’t like the sports editor chair. I think it’s pretty comfy.
Connor: The best decision we ever made together was staying in Durham after the lacrosse game to get barbecue. Yes, we got home at about 6 a.m., but it was well worth it. Let me know if you see Jason Benetti in the Carrier Dome for men’s basketball.
Schneidman: You took me on my first D.O. road trip, in Jesse’s car to Connecticut the night before a midterm no less. You suck for sleeping in the back seat while I drove the entire way home in the middle of the night. But I did get my first back page story as a result.
Sam Blum: When you called to say you weren’t hiring me as copy editor, you cried and apologized. In the moment, it was pretty tough to hear. But after copy editing two stories this semester, I want to say thank you so much. I would have hated it. You told me I’d get better for it. I hope I did. Thanks for being my biggest supporter.
Tomer: I’m tougher on you than probably anyone else. I hope you know it’s because I see your potential and it’s my twisted way of trying to get you to be less hard on yourself. Don’t put yourself down. Be confident. If you ever need a good insult, I’ll be around.
Matthew: Never stop trying new things in your writing and reporting. More often than not, I probably shoot it down, but keep at it. It’ll click. Good luck on your way to the sports editor chair.
Fortier: You’re a special breed and I’ve missed that more than I thought I would. Don’t forget about this place or these people when you go somewhere big. Remember, a fist bump from Chris is not a good thing.
Phil: I didn’t understand what this place means to people until I met you. You made two copy mistakes one night and didn’t get over it for about a week. Hopefully we can catch up at a Chick-fil-a someday soon.
Klinger: At first, I only knew you as Casey’s (former) boyfriend. Now, your advice and willingness to talk whenever means much more than that to me.
Mara: When you first thought of applying to be EIC you “knew” you weren’t going to get it. I tried to convince you how qualified you were or how well you’d do. More than a year later, I told you so. I’m pretty sure no other EIC hired two general managers.
Clare: I told you not to write your duck so early. I win. That’s all I’ll say in this because I don’t want you to hug me.
Lucy: You’re so much more talented than you give yourself credit for or even realize. Let me know if you ever need a reminder.
Annie: Thanks for hosting all the parties, Andy. You’re like the older sister I already have.
Alfred, Ankur, Brendan, Jacob, Joe, Lara and Vandy: If you’re even reading this, never forget the Pulp Men’s Rights Movement.
Nick: Sorry you were always confused with me.
Lindsay: Sorry I broke your heart and went to sports. It was the plan all along.
Alexa Diaz: Sorry I was so mean all the time.
Burke: Of all the people at The D.O., I’m most proud of you and the work you’ve done. Keep digging. Keep investigating. And start up another massive G-Chat group soon.
Jes: I thought the photo department was screwed and then you came along. Best In The Huddle covers ever. Bob didn’t raise no … .
Torrens: Sorry we won’t share a doorway next semester. For the sake of sports, please take a shower.
Emma: I didn’t start to get to know you until this semester and I realized that’s a shame. Keep Lucy and the rest of the designers in check.
Jacob: I’m still waiting on my T-Shirt. And don’t worry about the 503s. You did much better than me.
Satoshi: You’re a good writer and reporter. You’re an incredible person and friend. Give yourself time to relax and unwind. You deserve it.
Mom and Dad: You didn’t always know what my position was here or understand what I was doing. But you finally stopped asking so many questions. Dad, thanks for being the reason I stuck with this whole writing thing. Mom, thanks for making me apply to college and visit Syracuse. You’re the reason I’m here and that I found The D.O.