A truly American pep talk to get you through Election Day

Hello America,
You’ve done a good job. You’ve put up with this election sh*t for almost two years now. Do you know how long two years is? That’s as long as six Kardashian marriages.
For such an extended period of time, we’ve been listening to the same few people reiterate the same few basic points and argue about the same few minute details. But you know what, America? I’m proud of you.
You put up with a homeless man holding a megaphone and the lady who steals utensils from a dinner party for such a long time. Yes, there were others vying for attention in the mix, but why wouldn’t our worst nightmares come to life? What have we done to deserve these as the best two options? We not only created Snooki, but we let her be a thing, and now this must be our retribution.
America, I’m proud of you for sticking it out. Through all the nastiness we survived and we prevailed. We often make the mistake of seeing each other as human beings, but during election season, we learn who our enemies are — by looking at what they post on social media.
America, I’m glad you decided to sit down, and, in a respectful manner, discuss the important issues with people who may differ than you. Then once you figured out your family problems, you screamed about the election every night.
I know it can be frightening, but it will be alright. Keep in mind, the president doesn’t have that much power. Can they go to war without the permission of Congress? Pretty much. But, can they make laws? No. Will they be blamed if laws don’t get passed? Yes.
The presidency is a huge job, and on Tuesday we get to decide who takes that job on. So go, find your polling place. It’s probably in a school. Just grab a kid and ask where to vote, they’ll probably know the way.
Whoever you cast your ballot for, make sure to appreciate the fact that you can. Remember, for a long time, people weren’t able to vote. Some still aren’t today. There are a ton of people from pretty much every other country on earth who would love to vote but can’t.
So go, get out of here. Finish reading this article and then look off into the distance, put on some shades, and run to your local polling place. Once you’re there, check in with the old lady at the desk and wait in line. Once you get into the booth, choose your presidential nominee. Then take out your phone and Google everyone else on the ballot who’s running for your state/local elections. Fill those out, and you’ll have done your civic duty. And I’m proud of you for that, America.
Times like these can seem scary. The president stays in office for a four-year term, and the election cycles are pretty much just as long. So today, go out and vote, make your voice heard, and then wait for the results. Because tomorrow, it’s going to start all over again.
Josh Feinblatt is a sophomore television, radio and film major. No matter what happens he promises that he’s going to cry himself to sleep tonight. You can follow him on Twitter @josh_is_fein or reach him at jfeinbla@syr.edu