SA to provide free tampons, pads in some bathrooms on SU campus

Malik Evans, Student Association comptroller, announced SA will provide $1,000 to add menstrual hygiene products. The products will be accessible in some bathrooms in the Schine Student Center, Huntington Beard Crouse Hall, the Hall of Languages, E.S. Bird Library and the Life Sciences Complex. Delaney Kuric | Head Illustrator
Student Association President Eric Evangelista announced menstrual hygiene products will be available in some bathrooms on the Syracuse University campus beginning Friday.
The products will be accessible in some bathrooms in the Schine Student Center, Huntington Beard Crouse Hall, the Hall of Languages, E.S. Bird Library and the Life Sciences Complex. SA Comptroller Malik Evans announced SA will be providing $1,000 for the addition of menstrual hygiene products.
Evans added that there will a be $100 reimbursement to Elect Her, which took place on Oct. 15.
Evangelista broke from normal meeting procedure at the beginning of Monday’s meeting by pulling out a piece of paper and reading words that were not his.
With the start of Remembrance Week on Sunday, Evangelista spoke about SA Vice President Joyce LaLonde, who was chosen to represent Fredrick Phillips. Phillips, known by friends as Sandy, was killed on Dec. 21, 1988 when Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed over Lockerbie, Scotland.
At the time, Phillips was SA vice president. Then-President of SA John Mandyck wrote a letter to Phillips many times during the fall semester, when Phillips was studying abroad in London. Mandyck did not send his last letter, but instead shared it at a tribute on Jan. 18, 1989.
Evangelista took the time to share some of Mandyck’s words to the SA voting members.
“Dear Sandy, time has stopped for a while on our campus,” said Mandyck at the start of the letter.
“Sandy, I’m glad I got to know you for the short time you were with us at Syracuse. You made friends laugh, classrooms brighter and you made this Dome a little louder for those winning touchdowns and tie-breaking baskets,” Mandyck said in the letter.
“Tomorrow, Sandy, we’ll be writing a new chapter with your help. One where clocks tick again, knowledge is sought again and people laugh again. And Sandy, with your help, I think tomorrow our campus will be a little bit warmer,” Mandyck said.
Evangelista also shared that he will be meeting with campus officials and landlords in the coming days regarding the camera initiative, as well as Bobby Maldonado, SU’s Department of Public Safety chief. Maldonado will be speaking at an upcoming SA meeting, Evangelista said.
There was a change in the SA cabinet. Jack Harding, SA parliamentarian, has resigned from his position. Harding has been replaced by Billy Collins, a junior from the School of Architecture. Collins has been involved in SA since his freshman year.
Evangelista said SA released an application for co-chair of community engagement at midnight Tuesday.