SU construction update: Repairs to be made to University Place promenade; new Schine door installments to begin

Kiran Ramsey | Digital Design Editor
Repairs to the water main are scheduled for the University Place promenade, according to a construction update emailed to the Syracuse University community from Pete Sala, vice president and chief campus facilities officer.
Some construction projects on Syracuse University campus that were started over the summer are continuing into the fall semester, according to an email sent to the SU community on Monday from Pete Sala, vice president and chief campus facilities officer.
Sala said in August that the construction updates will be continued on a monthly basis during the fall semester. The latest update was released a week later than originally stated by Sala.
Among the projects in the construction update from Sala is a steam line repair on the University Place promenade that will take place near the end of September. The repair work is scheduled to begin Sept. 23 and be done by Sept. 26.
Sala added that the reduction of the Hoople Building in preparation for its demolition in October and eventual construction of the National Veterans Resource Complex (NVRC) is wrapping up. A 24-inch water main installation at Sims and Forestry drives has also been completed.
In addition, Sala said in the email that seven new sets of doors will replace the glass entry doors at the Schine Student Center. The installment will happen one door at a time to four of the seven sets of doors over the next several weeks.
During Thanksgiving Break, the remaining doors for the main entry on the SU campus side, the first floor west entrance on the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications side and the north entrance on Waverly Avenue side will be replaced. Electronic locking and card access on all doors will be added to the building.
The Campus Framework open forums and information sessions will be held throughout the semester. The first forum will be Tuesday at 3 p.m. in Goldstein Auditorium.
Here are the other construction updates Sala included in his email:
Bowne Hall renovation: Renovations have started on the first floor of Bowne Hall for the relocation of the Bursar’s Office and Cash Operations from Archbold Gymnasium to Bowne Hall later in the fall semester.
Center for Science and Technology siding replacement: The siding project was completed ahead of schedule. The contractor is now preparing to paint the exhaust stack on the roof this month. Upon completion of the exhaust stack work, the contractor will remove all equipment and fencing from the Quad 4 Parking Lot. It is anticipated that all parking spaces in the Quad 4 Parking Lot will be available by the end of September.
Crouse College bells: The new bells are in place and the first official ringing was Monday at 8:45 a.m. The Chimemasters greeted the campus community with the traditional Westminster Chimes and the SU’s alma mater. The Chimemasters will play the bells three times a day, five days a week during the semester and will also play the chimes during special events.
Crouse College masonry and sloped glazing repair: Masonry improvements are continuing at Crouse College to restore and preserve the beauty of this brownstone structure. Procurement of a new glass for the sloped skylights in Room 400 was unsuccessful in the summer months. SU is working with an architect to identify the correct glass to maintain the historical character of the building. The skylight will be made presentable and weathertight during the winter months and new glass will be installed early next summer.
Falk College cafe: The renovations to the cafe on the second floor of White Hall in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics are nearing completion. Cafe construction is scheduled to be complete by the end of September, and the cafe is anticipated to be open to the campus by mid-October.
Irving Garage stair maintenance: Repair work for the concrete stairs and railings is planned for the stairwell that is connected to the pedestrian bridge. CPDC is currently seeking quotes for this work with the intent of completing the work this fall. Additional information will be shared with the campus community as the schedule is confirmed during the next few weeks.
Link Hall accessible ramp and auditorium improvements: The new accessible entry into the auditorium, Link Hall Room 105, is nearing completion. This new entry is scheduled to be open this week. The construction of the new ramped entry on the east side near Sims Hall continues. The concrete foundation walls and concrete ramp have been poured and a new entry has been cut into the building. Work on the snow-melt system is progressing well. This entry is scheduled to be open for use by Nov. 1, and is among a number of accessibility improvement and classroom enhancement projects taking place on campus.
Sims Hall exterior stairs: Concrete foundations and stair bases are complete at all five entrances. Temporary wood stair treads and railings have been installed until the new granite treads arrive in late September. Upon the installation of the new stair treads measurements for custom railings will then be taken and new railings installed in late October. Work continues on the mechanical room for the proposed snow-melt system to be operational by the winter.
Published on September 12, 2016 at 12:54 pm
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