Syracuse University news stories you might have missed over the summer

The Campus Framework details a 20-year plan for SU's physical campus. Daily Orange File Photo
It was a busy summer in Syracuse University news. Here are some major stories you may have missed:
Campus Framework is released
The university released a set of near- and long-term updates and renovations in June planned for SU’s physical campus over the next 20 years. The Campus Framework is still in its draft phase and feedback is still being accepted on its website. Here are some highlights:
- The University Place promenade was completed Monday, transforming the street into a walkway. Another promenade will be built on Waverly Avenue, though it will be different in form than the University Place promenade and will not prevent traffic from passing through.
Jessica Sheldon | Photo Editor
- SU will renovate the Carrier Dome with a roof replacement and accessibility improvements.
- Archbold Gymnasium will be transformed into “The Arch,” a new student-focused health and wellness complex. The Arch will include a multi-purpose group space, two pools, an exercise gym, a pharmacy, four basketball courts and a track and cardio balcony.
Campus Framework Draft
- The National Veterans Resource Complex will be built on Waverly Avenue. The building will house a veteran-focused medical school and become an important location for resource and programming related to veteran and military affairs.
Campus Framework Draft
- All housing on South Campus will be moved to Main Campus within the next 20 years. The university will build more residence halls to fit all of its students on Main Campus, adding more than 3,600 beds in the process.
- The Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel and Conference Center will be converted into student housing. A new boutique hotel will replace it nearby.
- The houses currently on Ostrom Avenue — including the LGBT Resource Center and The Daily Orange — will be torn down and replaced with student housing.
- The Schine Student Center will be renovated, adding more space to become a hub for all student organization offices.
- E. S. Bird Library will be renovated and a bridge connecting Walnut Park, Bird Library and the University Place promenade will be built.
Campus Framework Draft
- A promenade will connect West Campus and the Quad, making that area more pedestrian-friendly. The Physics building will be demolished to make room for the promenade.
Campus Framework Draft
Juice Jam to be held at later date
Moriah Ratner | Staff Photographer
This semester’s Juice Jam will be a few weeks later than when it is normally held. The fall concert will be held on Sept. 25 at Skytop Field on South Campus. The later date is because University Union did not want the concert to held on Sept. 11, a UU spokesman said when the announcement was made on Aug. 7.
Colleen Deacon wins primary
SU alumna Colleen Deacon defeated SU professor Eric Kingson in New York’s 24th District Democratic primary. Deacon will face Republican incumbent John Katko in November for a congressional seat representing Syracuse.
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs merged
SU announced that two administrative offices, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, will be consolidated into one department. The move will cut down on overlapping responsibilities and streamline SU’s administrative duties of both offices.
Disclaimer: The Daily Orange leases a house on Ostrom Avenue owned by Syracuse University. As part of the Campus Framework, the university has proposed building student housing on Ostrom Avenue where The Daily Orange currently operates.