Duck: Chloe Meister

Design Editor | Fall 2013-Spring 2015; Presentation Director | Fall 2015-Spring 2016
The Daily Orange is a lot of things. It’s a newspaper. It’s a cult. It’s a learning institution. It’s a family. It’s a home. 962 days ago, it welcomed me in, and I haven’t looked back since.
I owe a lot to this place and the people in it. Here’s my attempt at thanking everyone who made the past three years so great.
Lizzie: You’re one of the most talented people I know and you taught me more about good design than I could’ve learned in any classroom. Your wisdom, advice and support has been invaluable to me the past three years, and I’m so happy that somewhere along the way we became good friends. Also, I just think you’re really beautiful and I feel really warm when I’m around you and my tongue swells up.
Casey: There’s been a few Briar Woods kids to end up at Syracuse, but thanks for convincing me to join you at Daily Orange University instead. Writing this duck makes me feel old, but I’ll always be your kiddo. Legendary fam, polka dots, Montage Mountain Panera forever.
Meredith: The first time I set foot in The D.O., you made it feel like a home. You’re the crazy Jewish mother that we all need and love. Thank you for being a great friend. Here’s to more Vegas talks, sleepovers and good times. Let’s hang out in the DMV sometime.
Lindsay: I miss you and your animal noises. Thanks for being a great PD and for building my confidence as a designer.
Ankur: You’re a true legend. Your work and dedication to this paper has inspired me and so many others.
Chase: It was an honor to follow you as winner of “most naive member of The Daily Orange.” I learned so much from working with you, and I miss having you here on the long, late, jarring nights.
Annie: I hope that God does not besmirch you in the real world like he did that one time we didn’t get to pet the dog we saw on the street. Congrats on graduating. Keep fighting for dogs’ rights and for the other ladies out there. You better come back and visit next spring so we can have more talks on the honesty porch and take one of our classic pictures where one of us looks sort of trashed. I frickin love you, Annie Palmer!!
Alfred: The D.O. was always more fun with you around. For me, at least. I might feel differently if I were the subject of a hic tape or something. I’m glad I stayed on your good side. Keep on celebrating good times and let’s go mini-golfing again soon.
Lara: You were a great editor-in-chief and an awesome feature creature. Thanks for all the fun times in pulp back in the day. *weird sloth noise*
Audrey: I am sorry I always forgot to have you check headlines. Also, I am sorry that I drew you to be Nemo on Snapchat that one time. Thank you for never macheting me.
Klinger: Grouplove and pancakes. Miss you Klinger.
Trevor: Heyyyy Trevor. Thanks for your friendship, your Boston tips and the most unbelievably competitive 11 straight games of Words With Friends I have ever played. You’re stupendous.
Jesse: I’ll admit that I’m still not really over Secret Santa 2013 when you made me say my first bad word. But I guess that when you’re a famous sports writer some day, I’ll have a cool story to tell.
Connor: You are so fun and so talented, Connor Grossman. Working with you the past three semesters has been great. I’m sorry I was never able to try Level 5 ‘Afterburner’ hot sauce from Wings Over with you. I just couldn’t get past ‘Jet Fuel.’ Some day, my friend.
Chris: Remember that time we were in the same COM100? Me neither, lolz. But I do remember that thing you said on Halloween … In seriousness, though, you have been so patient and great with getting me sports graphics and that is basically a PD’s dream. Thank you for that.
Tomer: You filled late nights with lots of laughs this semester and you’ll make a great trophy husband one day. L’chaim.
Schneidman: You’re a talented writer and a good guy, Schneid. I know this semester was tough, but thanks for never giving up. I’m glad I got to work with you. If you ever need a gif for your story, I’m just a g-chat away.
Schwed: You’re a real MVP of this place. You are talented and dedicated, and I can’t help but smile when you’re around. Thanks for stepping up and getting things done all the time. You’re going to be a great sports editor. Keep on Pinteresting, Schwed. You rock.
Logan: To be honest, I’m pretty sure we were both just focused on surviving last fall and everything else was an added bonus. It ended up being pretty soliiiiiiiiid. Thanks for helping kill it with Basketball Guide and for only challenging my music choices some days. We were a great team. See you at ESPN (lolz).
Moriah: Some of my favorite nights as PD last fall were when you and I ruled the visuals room together. You’re so talented, and I’ve loved seeing all your front page photos this semester. Keeping on repping the 703 in the 744 when I’m gone.
Riley: Thanks for not quitting. Photo editor is a tough gig but you stepped up and saved us. It was a pleasure sharing the visuals room with you this semester.
Zach and Liam: You guys are unbelievably fun assistant photo editors. Thanks for your hard work and for keeping the room cheery. You should be proud of everything you accomplished and I hope to see more of your pictures in the paper next semester.
Nick: ABC Family shows, Comic Sans, #FDD and the carrot cake incident. You’re an all-star.
Jacob: You’re incredibly talented and so full of bright ideas. Never stop sharing them. The D.O. is so much better off for everything you’ve accomplished so far, and I’m excited to see what great things you do in the future.
Dani: On the off chance that you are reading this, I’m glad I got to do some illustrations and scribbles last semester.
Devyn: I loved working with you and all of your talented friends this semester. I’m glad I never had to worry about how illustrations would turn out or about last-minute art emergencies with you on staff.
Satoshi: Good luck as an assistant news editor next fall. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face every time I walked into news this semester. Never change.
Sara: Your dedication to news and to The D.O. (and to people’s dining hall orders) is so admirable. Working here is about so much more than just your job title, and you’ve shown that to everyone. You’ll be great as news editor.
Michael Burke: Murke, you are great and I wish I met you sooner. I’m glad you’re sticking around because news is better off for your talent and good judgment. The Taco Bell three-way will happen someday, I promise you.
Alexa Torrens: Artie from The Curio shop once told me, “good luck finding a gem today.” Well, I’m glad he provided me that luck because you’re a real gem, and I’m glad I found you as a friend in The D.O. this year. Stay in touch while I’m abroad, and we’ll catch up over some French onion soup when I come home.
Alexa Diaz: You are the nicest and most genuine person I’ve ever met. Thank you for being a literal ray of sunshine and for brightening the day of every person who sets foot inside this house. You’ll be great as managing editor next semester — just remember to get some sleep and keep Justin in line!
Colleen: You saved me last semester, Colleen. Thank you for being my right-hand gal that I could trust with any assignment, for stepping up beyond the call of duty and for never once complaining. It meant more to me than you know. You’re incredibly talented and a wonderful person and I’m so glad I got to work with you. See you in Boston this summer!
Estella: You are the queen of efficiency and design options. You’ve raised the bar for designers this semester and I hope you’ve enjoyed working at The D.O. as much as we’ve enjoyed having you.
Jordan: Thanks for jumping in to help mid-semester and for finally sending me the pictures from designer bonding. I can’t wait to see your future designs and the duck you draw yourself one day.
Jordana: I’m glad you decided to give The D.O. cult a shot. Hiring you was a great choice and my only regret is that it didn’t get to happen sooner.
Matt: Thanks for agreeing to another semester of listening to girl talk during design meetings.
Kiran: You light up every room you walk into, Kiran. Thanks for being a constant source of smiles and positivity on the design staff. It’s been great watching you improve this past year. You’ve really begun to develop your own style, and I know you’ll be great as digital design editor.
Lucy and Emma: When I hired you guys last year, I felt like I saw myself in you both. Then I realized that you guys are WAY more talented than I ever was as a freshman. Thanks for keeping me informed with the latest gossip, for giving me the best Starbucks tips and for making me feel confident about the paper looking pretty while I’m gone. Keep pushing yourselves as designers and as leaders at The D.O. You would both make great presentation directors someday.
Justin: Working with you the past two years has been great, and I’m so glad we became friends. You are going to be an incredible editor-in-chief. You are smart, driven and talented and your dedication to The Daily Orange is unmatched. I never have to worry about the paper as long as you’re still there. Don’t forget to have some fun and that it’s just a college paper. Thanks for everything.
Jon: We’ve shared so many fun memories and also a boyfriend (hi Brett) and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m not sure how I would’ve survived this semester without having you to goof off with. You’re great at everything you do and sports will be lucky to have you next fall. Keep on fighting the good fight (a.k.a. the one to bring gifs back to Slack).
Sam Blum: I’m so lucky to have met you here, Sam Blum. You’re one of the bravest, strongest and most talented people I know. Thank you for making me laugh and for being around to talk about anything and everything. You have a huge heart and I hope you know how special you are. You’re also a true friend and I know that won’t change as we continue to age in society until one day we retire and then die. Also, I’m sorry about that time I removed you from The Nice Person Club.
Clare: My friend since day one. You are a great person, and I’m so glad you’re following me as presentation director. I know you’ll be awesome and I can’t wait to see you accomplish all your goals. Just remember to trust your instincts, try new things and don’t let sports kern things behind your back. I’ll be checking issuu on the regular and just a phone call or g-chat away for anything you need. *dolphin emoji*
Mara: We walked into this house for the first time together and it’s only appropriate to leave it the same way. The past six semesters in between have been filled with an unhealthy amount of coffee, quality conversations about Pinterest, long drives to NoVA, frequent matching outfits, weirdo ex-boyfriends and lots of raviolis. Never forget The Great Retainer Search of 2013, chanting “stripper fight” or that time we got stuck on a farm. Thank you for everything you’ve done for The D.O. and for challenging me and supporting me every day. You’ve been a great EIC and I’m sorry you never got the chance to fire someone. You’re also my fellow HBIC and through this place you’ve become one of my closest friends. Se dig i København!!!
Brett: Thanks for being you, Brett. And thanks for letting me be me. Every hour of stress and work in this place was worth it because I met you. You’re an incredible writer and reporter and I know that your talent and your quick sense of humor will take you far. I also know that I never would’ve survived this job without you. You’re my best friend in the world and you’re so perfect for me. The past 19 months of dating have been the happiest of my life. I hate that you’re graduating because I don’t know Syracuse without you. I’m going to miss you so much while I’m abroad, but no matter how many miles are between us, I’ll always be there for you. Things will be different, but I’m excited to keep having adventures and doing life with you because, as we often say, my life would suck without you.
Mom, Dad and Kyra: I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for believing in me, for letting me go to SU, for encouraging me to study what I want, for letting this job dictate the frequency of my phone calls, for reading the paper every day, for letting the sports guys stay at our house, for listening to me complain about this place, for keeping up with all the names of the people I talk about and for being the most supportive family in the world. I am so lucky. I love you all to the moon and back.