Week in News: Remembrance Week, mothers of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown speak at SU and more

SU's annual Remembrance Week, an event to honor the victims of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland, was capped off with a rose laying ceremony on Friday. Logan Reidsma | Photo Editor
1. SU commemorates Remembrance Week
Thirty-five SU seniors chosen as Remembrance Scholars to represent the 35 SU students who died in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, organized a series of events for Remembrance Week running from Sunday through Saturday. Former Lockerbie scholars reflected on their time at Syracuse University, retiring SU staff members reflected on their involvement in honoring the victims and one Remembrance Scholar honored a victim who she was named after.
More: Remembrance Week 2015

2. Mothers of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown speak at SU
The mothers of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown were part of an almost two-hour long panel comprised of seven people, including Department of Public Safety Chief Bobby Maldonado, a CNN news anchor and a legal analyst for CNN, that spoke at Goldstein Auditorium on Wednesday night. The panelists talked about police brutality, racial profiling of victims and other issues.
More: Panelists discuss deaths of Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin at (In)Justice For All event

3. DPS to redirect officers to off-campus areas in wake of recent crime
The Department of Public Safety announced Tuesday it will not increase the number of officers dispatched around the off-campus community, but instead it will redirect officers to specific areas in light of two off-campus sexual assaults that occurred on Oct. 25. Maldonado said it will focus on areas where crime has become a trend.
More: DPS officers to be redirected to off-campus locations

4. Student Association letter to push for Uber to come to Syracuse
The Student Association is in discussion about a letter it may send to the New York State Assembly and Senate requesting that the state change its laws so ride-hailing services, such as Uber, would be legalized in Syracuse. SA President Aysha Seedat and Parliamentarian James Franco drafted a letter outlining the potential benefits of having Uber and will be sending a copy of the letter to other universities in New York, allowing officials to add their own edits.
More: Student Association letter

5. New space in Bird Library to host entrepreneurial programs
Syracuse University received a $900,000 grant from the Blackstone Charitable Foundation as the foundation announced the expansion of its entrepreneurship program, Blackstone LaunchPad, to five New York state schools including SU. Later this year, SU will open a new space in Bird for the Blackstone LaunchPad program “in order to help align entrepreneurial efforts of students, while connecting them with mentors and collaborators.”
More: Blackstone