Boos and Bravos: Higher enrollment, jazz legend

Joe Riposo, an 82-year-old jazz musician, has a wide range of talents. Here he is playing the saxophone. Logan Reidsma | Photo Editor
Even in lackluster mid-October, Syracuse University is as busy as ever. Check out a student on a national committee, a former jazz professor and relaxing playlist for midterm cramming in this week’s highs and lows in The Daily Orange news. Click the headings or orange text to read more.
SU student on national It’s On Us committee
The It’s On Us initiative created its first Student Advisory Committee this year in an effort to expand students’ roles in spreading their message, which is to prevent sexual assault on college campuses. Samantha Skaller, a junior viola performance and music history and cultures dual major at SU, was selected as one of 17 on the nationwide group. Skaller is a survivor of sexual assault and said she wants to make sure all students feel safe on campus. Although the application was long, Skaller said she was glad she did it. Track her campaign online with #itsonussu.

Jazz musician looks back on life and career
For Joe Riposo, jazz is an extension of himself. As former director of jazz studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts for almost 28 years, he has been able to pass on his talents to future generations of musicians. He first picked up a clarinet when he was 10 years old and has been playing in clubs and onstage ever since. Riposo has worked with legends like Natalie and Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald and Tony Bennett and even started an underground jazz band when he was studying at

Ice hockey player looks towards final season
Melissa Piacentini has only been benched once in her four years on the ice hockey team, but she says it was the “best coaching decision” her coach ever made for her. Despite her 5-foot-2 frame, Piacentini is now the team’s all-time highest scorer and is looking to make her senior year the best yet. Last season, the team lost in the College Hockey America conference finals, but she said she hopes to rectify that before she leaves SU.

Consistently higher enrollment
The size of the student body at SU continues to increase as more admitted students decide to enroll. While this is seen as a positive for some faculty and administrators, who said this means student want to come to the school, 76 percent of voters in this Daily Orange poll said they would like to see this trend stop. The larger student population has led to issues with the housing lottery and Aysha Seedat, the Student Association president, said it could lead to overcrowding in dining halls and dorms and problems with students getting locked out of classes.

Exhausted? Stressed? Living in Bird? Midterm season is here, and between cramming and coffee runs it can be hard to catch a break. Soothe your frazzled nerves with this week’s Pulp Playlist created by music columnist Brett Weiser-Schlesinger. It’s an indie-chill set that will keep your caffeinated heart rate at a comfortable pace, so go ahead and press play.

Football’s fluctuating expectations
The unpredictability of college football is easy to see in Syracuse, football beat writer Jesse Dougherty wrote this week. Each game the team has played has changed the outlook of the season — for good or bad — significantly. As the team heads into conference play in the hopes of bowl eligibility, it has been difficult for fans to pin down exactly how this season will unfold. For a game-by-game analysis of the shifts in perception, check out Dougherty’s article here. For a preview of this weekend’s game against the University of Virginia, check out this podcast.