Boos and Bravos: Big Sean, administration growth

Rapper Big Sean lights up the crowd at Juice Jam 2015 this past Sunday. Frankie Prijatel | The Daily Orange
SU kicked off this week with chilly, but energy-filled Juice Jam and is ending with a major philosophy convention. The Daily Orange was there for it all, including the highs and lows in the middle, which you can catch up on here. Click on the headings or orange text to read the full story.

Philosophy conference
The Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy is coming to Syracuse University this weekend. There, ten world-renowned political philosophers will speak about their work and area of expertise. David Sobel, a philosophy professor at SU, is one of the minds behind this international convention and hopes it brings attention to the philosophy department.

Big Sean
Juice Jam took over Skytop Field this past weekend, bringing chart-topping artists Big Sean, Oliver Heldens and BØRNS to SU. The Daily Orange got an exclusive interview with headliner Big Sean, who said he keeps coming back to Syracuse because the crowds are always full of energy. Check out our full coverage of the festival here.

Women’s Soccer
SU’s women’s soccer team defeated Colgate on Sunday, ending a three-game scoring drought. The Orange ended up winning the game 2-1, which they said reenergized their worn offense. The team plays again on Thursday at the SU Soccer Stadium against Drexel and again on Sunday on the road in Virginia.

Administration growth
The size of the administrative staff at SU has grown dramatically over the past couple decades, and students are footing the bill. According to a recent study, over the course of 25 years Syracuse’s administration grew by more than 400 percent. This is a staggering figure considering that the student body has increased by only 31 percent. However, the university is continuing to undergo structural changes, which may change these figures.

In a head-to-head burrito battle, the Pulp staff decided that Chipotle defeated Avoca Mexican Grill this past week. A recent addition to Marshall Street, Avoca has shorter lines and cheaper prices, but didn’t past muster in the taste test. Feel free to try it out yourself, though, and share your thoughts with Pulp on Twitter @DO_pulp.

Injuries continue to haunt SU football into their third week of the regular season. Although QB Terrel Hunt and hybrid Ervin Phillips technically went out in the first week against Rhode Island, Scott Shafer recently announced that Phillips would be in recovery for 3-4 weeks. According to football beat writer Matt Schneidman, this may become problematic in a few weeks when the Orange faces tougher opponents with a freshman quaterback and limited offense.